(Clearwisdom.net) On the evening of July 6, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners in Brisbane, Australia held a candlelight vigil across from the Chinese Consulate. The purpose of the vigil was to commemorate the fellow practitioners who were tortured to death during last eight years by Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The event also intended to raise the awareness of the Australian people about CCP's enormous crimes.

Silent condemnation of the CCP's atrocities in front of the Chinese Consulate in Brisbane
The time of the candlelight vigil was rush hour for commuters going home and also a shopping night. There were crowds of people on street.
Candles glowed in front of photos of practitioners who were tortured to death in China. Passersby stopped and asked "What has happened?"
A native Australian condemned the CCP's atrocities after learning about the CCP's crime of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners for profit.
Francis, a member of a religious group that was having an activity nearby, walked over and asked practitioners for information on the persecution. He signed the petition against the persecution. After signing, he requested a blank petition form and took it to ask other members of his group to sign. Later he returned the form with signatures to the practitioners.
Local residents and tourists visiting Brisbane accepted truth-clarification flyers and signed to support Falun Gong and protest the brutal persecution.
Falun Gong practitioners in Brisbane were pleased to see the world's people learning the facts and sincerely hoped that the Chinese officials in the Consulate would awaken and would not assist CCP to commit crimes.