
Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Fu Guiju died at the age of 58. She was a retiree from the Zhangjiakou City Petroleum Corporation.
On May 12, 2007, when Ms. Fu was studying the Fa with fellow practitioners at an elderly practitioner's residence, State Security Division head Zhong Senlin from the Qianxi District of Zhangjiakou City, State Security Bureau deputy head Zhang Yifan, Xinhua Police Station head Sun Rui, and Meng Gang, the head of the South Mingde Street Police Station, arrived and arrested the practitioners. Ms. Fu was locked up at the Shisanli Detention Center in Zhangjiakou City. She was tortured severely until her life was in danger.
On May 21, 2007, Ms. Fu's family members took her home. However, before she was able to recover, Meng Gang and Guo Long, Qiaoxi District Police Department deputy head, and other officers arrested her at her home on the morning of June 4, 2007, only two weeks after her release from the detention center. She was sent to the same detention center and the Procuratorate issued a formal arrest paper to subject her to further persecution. On June 19, 2007, someone from the South Mingde Police Station suddenly went to notify Ms. Fu's family that Ms. Fu had died on June 18. When her family asked how and where she died, the person was unwilling to accept responsibility by telling them, "I don't know anything about it. You have to go ask the detention center authorities."
According to insiders, the Shisanli Detention Center officials ordered Ms. Fu to be force-fed. They pried her mouth open, causing her mouth to bleed. On June 15 and 16, when Ms. Fu was at the brink of death, police at the South Mingde Station and the detention center tried to shift the responsibility to the other party, which delayed her rescue and led to her death two days later.
Two Guards Force-Fed Ms. Fu with Cold Water and a Handful of Salt
Ms. Fu used to suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, cervical vertebra proliferation, gallstones, and several other diseases. After she started to practice Falun Gong, she became very healthy and all her illnesses disappeared. When she dedicated herself to cultivation after she retired from work, her body was miraculously purified and she improved greatly.
Jiang Zemin's followers and the Chinese Communist Party regime started to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. Ms. Fu and her husband were mistreated several times because they cultivated according to Falun Dafa. Police harassed, arrested and incarcerated them several times.
At 11:00 p.m. on May 10, 2000, Ms. Fu and her husband were both taken to the Xinhua Street Neighborhood Administration office and interrogated overnight by chairperson Liu Xiaoyan (female) and four other staff members. They were taken to the Xinhua Street Police Station the next morning then transferred into the custody of the Dajingmen Police Station.
On December 27, 2000, Ms. Fu went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was arrested and sent to Zhangjiakou City Detention Center. Because she went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution, the guards and a prison head surnamed Shi force-fed her by pinching her nose and prying her mouth open. They also kicked her. Another guard and a female doctor force-fed Ms. Fu by inserting a tube into her nostril. When she was extremely weak, two guards pinched her nose to force-feed her cold water and then a handful of salt. She was made to sleep on the concrete floor with seven other practitioners while the criminal inmates slept on beds. On the sixth day, she could not stand up as a result of torture. Even when going to the restroom she needed people to help support her. During the daytime she had only one layer of bedding underneath her and used a coat as her cover when she lay down on the floor. The guards even opened windows on both sides of the cell to put her in the path of a cold draft. Ms. Fu's relatives and supervisors at her workplace tried their best to negotiate with local authorities to have her released. Ms. Fu was sent home on the fifteenth day. Two criminals wrapped her in a quilt and carried her out of the detention center. A family member carried her on his back and took her home. She was then already extremely weak, and was unable to stand up or turn over in bed.
Sent to Brainwashing Centers Three Times
Police went to Ms. Fu's residence to harass, threaten and arrest her several times.
At noon on May 11, 2001, Meng Gang from South Mingde Police Station went to Ms. Fu's home with seven other people and attempted to make Ms. Fu hand over Dafa books. Ms. Fu refused. Meng threatened to ransack her home and take her into custody. In the end, the police forced Ms. Fu's brother and sister-in-law to monitor her until May 13, 2001, the so-called "sensitive day."
At 11:00 a.m. on August 19, 2001, Meng Gang, Tang Liping from the Neighborhood Administration office and two other people went to Ms. Fu's home again and ordered her to go to the "education" (brainwashing) center. Ms. Fu told them, "I am conducting myself as a practitioner, to be a good person. There is nothing wrong with that. In addition, my child is sick. I need to take care of her." The four people did not give her a chance to defend herself and forcibly carried her downstairs, pushed her into a van and taking her to a brainwashing center, the so-called Qiaoxi "Legal School." When Ms. Fu got out of the van she refused to go to the session and immediately headed for home. The four people grabbed her from behind and pushed her onto the floor beside a bed. Ms. Fu staged a persecution-protest hunger strike. When she was released seven days later, the Neighborhood Administration officials phoned her place to extort 3,000 yuan as a "reformation" fee, which they also referred to as "compensation for accompanying the legal class attendee."
During Ms. Fu's detention at the brainwashing center, her daughter, who had been ill, was so frightened that she hid herself in the bathroom. Tang Liping forced a driver at the Petroleum Corporation to send her to her uncle's place. It was not until several days after Ms. Fu's release from the brainwashing center that the child recovered from her illness.
A year later, at 2:00 on May 13, 2002, Meng Gang, Meng Yanping and several other people rushed into Ms. Fu's home and searched it. Meng Yanping tore the Falun emblem off the door, and confiscated Falun Gong music tapes. Four men carried Ms. Fu downstairs, face up. Ms. Fu's nephew's wife happened to run into them and questioned them, "What are you doing here?" One policeman immediately slammed Ms. Fu onto the ground with his fist without any explanation. Ms. Fu shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" An officer slapped her in the face and drove her to a brainwashing center again for further persecution.
Ms. Fu kept clarifying the truth to everyone she came across at the brainwashing center. The staff members transferred her from the second floor to a fenced room on the first floor that was originally used to store weapons. The head of the brainwashing center, surnamed Yang, handcuffed Ms. Fu to a metal fence, tearing Ms. Fu's vest when she resisted.
When Ms. Fu went on a hunger strike, Xu Yaowu, the Neighborhood Administration secretary, ordered a female doctor to insert a tube into Ms. Fu's nostril while forcibly restraining her arms and legs to ruthlessly force-feed her. When the first tube insertion failed, they pulled it out and reinserted the blood-stained tube into her nostril for a second time. When Ms. Fu questioned him, Xu Yaowu claimed the blood on the floor was paint. Meng Yanping did not release Ms. Fu until the ninth day, after forcing her brother to write a guarantee statement.
Ms. Fu's daughter, upon returning from school, could not find her mother as she was detained at the brainwashing center. A classmate of the daughter invited her to stay with her family for two nights. The girl's grandmother heard about it and helped her get to her home.
On May 22, 2002, Meng Yanping told Ms. Fu, who was still at the brainwashing center, "If you don't go anywhere [to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa], I guarantee you will be fine." She and Tang Liping told Ms. Fu's family, "If you watch Fu Guiju closely, the police will not arrest her." However, on September 26, 2002, Meng Yanping and Tang Liping took Ms. Fu Guiju to a brainwashing center for the third time and detained her until October 1, 2002. The Qiaoxi District Political and Judiciary Committee officials had planned this brainwashing attempt.
During this round of detention, Meng Yanping and three men ordered Ms. Fu to be "educated." Ms. Fu told them sternly, "As I told you last time -- even if I died I would not give up cultivation." Before she was able to finish speaking, four men forcibly carried her to a van. Ms. Fu shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" A police officer threw a heavy fist to her left eye. Her left eye and the left side of her face became immediately swollen.
Ms. Fu again went on a persecution-protest hunger strike. She was released at 3:00 in the afternoon on October 1, 2002. Ms. Fu's brother questioned Tang Liping, "Didn't you promise she would be fine if she didn't go anywhere? Why did you arrest her?" Tang didn't know how to reply.
Within 13 months, police from the South Mingde Police Station and employees of the Neighborhood Administration office had taken Ms. Fu to the brainwashing center three times, in an attempt to force her to give up cultivation. Ms. Fu was very steadfast in her belief. The officials could do nothing but release her on October 1, 2002.
Ms. Fu's Husband Was Arrested Several Times
On October 13, 2002, at 9:00 p.m., Qiaoxi District Police Department agents ordered people at the South Mingde Neighborhood Administration and the head of the Changqing Road Community Association to tell Ms. Fu's neighbors to monitor Ms. Fu's husband Mr. Wu Gang. Qiaoxi District Police Department Criminal Team head Wu Jianguo and others took Ms. Fu's daughter into custody at school, searched her bag and found her home key. They went to Ms. Fu's home, opened the door and illegally ransacked the place.
During the SARS outbreak in 2003, Qiaoxi District Police Department officials ordered officers from the Xinhua Police Station to harass the tenants living in Ms. Fu's second apartment. At the same time, they interrogated Ms. Fu's tenants and neighbors about Mr. Wu Gang's whereabouts, in an attempt to arrest him.
In the summer of 2004, Ms. Fu and several other practitioners went to Inner Mongolia to clarify the truth and distribute materials. Someone reported them to the police. When the police arrested them and took them into custody, Ms. Fu shouted out, "Falun Dafa is good" along the way. She was held at the Inner Mongolia Baochang Detention Center for two days. Qiaoxi District Police Department agents returned her to her hometown and extorted 3,000 yuan from her workplace, which was actually deducted from Ms. Fu's salary.
On January 26, 2005, when Ms. Fu went to Xinhua Police Station to apply for an ID card for her daughter, the police made trouble for her and insisted on having her husband come for the application. As a matter of fact, they wanted to arrest Mr. Wu Gang.
On February 7, 2005, seven officers from the Qiaoxi District Police Department, from the city 610 Office and from the State Security Division broke into Mr. Wu Gang's mother's house at 10:00 in the morning. Wu Gang was taking care of his 78-year-old mother who just had undergone a second operation for rectal cancer. The police took him into custody, saying they would take him to the police station "for a few questions." Wu Gang was taken to the 610 Office for interrogation. That same day, Qiaoxi District State Security Division head Gu Jianguo ordered three police officers to go to Ms. Fu's house and search it. In the evening, Wu Gang was sent to the Shisanli Detention Center. He was later transferred to the Baoding City Gaoyang Labor Camp where he was subjected to torture.
The above is only a partial description of the torture and torment Ms. Fu and her family suffered over the past several years. Ms. Fu, an older woman in her sixties, was arrested, incarcerated and killed as a result of torture at the hands of the evil Communist regime simply because she wanted to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, and be a good person. We appeal to all kind-hearted people to extend righteous help and join our efforts to bring an end to the CCP's atrocities.
Responsible individuals and organizations:
Zhangjiakou City Police Department: 86-313-8681234, 86-313-8688888
Command Center: 86-313-8682110
Zhangjiakou City Qiaoxi Police Station head: Zhang Yifan
Security Division head, Zhong Senlin: 86-313-8687325 (Cell)
Procuratorate in the Qiaoxi District, Zhangjiakou City:
Head Zhang Liang: 86-13703136881 (Cell), 86-313-8038126 (Office), 86-313-4081158 (Home)
South Mingde Police Station: 86-313-8072502
Head Meng Gang; Deputy head Guo Long
Xinhua Street Police Station: 86-313-8032977
Zhangjiakou City Detention Center head, Cui Weidong: 86-313-4021947
Related article: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2007/6/29/87180.html
Category: Deaths