(Clearwisdom.net) On April 11, an opening ceremony for the "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" International Art Exhibit was held at the Meiling Art Museum in Putzu City, Chiayi Country. County Commissioner Chen Mingwen, legislators Lin Kuoching and Tsai Chifang, Chiayi County Council Speaker Yu Chengta, Putzu City Mayor Huang Lita, Chiayi Arts Association director Huang Sashu and many county council members sent congratulatory flower buckets to the exhibit. According to the organizer, having toured more than 30 countries, the exhibit will be held in Putzu from April 11 to April 29.

Chen Shengsan, former director of Chiayi Country Education Department, appreciated the art works
An exhibit guide telling the stories behind each art work

A woman appreciating the art works

Visitors appreciating the art works
The exhibition showcases a total of 40 oil paintings in traditional western technique, Chinese-style paintings and sculpture created by a group of Falun Dafa practitioner artists outside of China. The organizer said that the exhibit is not to entertain the public, but rather, its goal is to lead the public to witness a realm of high morality and wisdom.
Mr. Chen Shengsa, former director of the Chiayi County Education Department, made a special trip to the exhibit on the afternoon of April 12 to view the art works. After he studied every piece, he told the exhibition staff with emotion, "The unyielding spirit of Falun Gong practitioners is so admirable, and the Chinese Communist Party's atrocities against Falun Gong are inhumane."
An art teacher of the nearby Putzu High School came to the museum during her lunch break and was absorbed by the paintings. When she came to the painting, "A Tragedy in China," a guide told her the story of this piece, "A husband died as a result of refusing to give up his belief in Falun Gong while he was imprisoned in a brainwashing center. The wife sits beside his body, her tear-filled eyes expressing her sadness and yet strong determination." The teacher said, "The painting vividly depicts the feelings of the wife. The persecution is so terrifying!"
After looking at the art works, many of the visitors were deeply moved. An exhibit guide told them, "All the artists of these works are Falun Dafa practitioners. Falun Dafa is a cultivation practice of mind and body, following the universal principles of 'Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.' Through practicing Falun Gong, these artists obtained good health and enlightened to higher understandings of life and the universe. As artists, they share their understandings through their works, showing the public a path for people to return to their true self."
The organizer told a Clearwisdom reporter, "These art works give visitors a precious opportunity to experience practitioners' understanding of the unity between humanity and nature and to reflect on the universal principle that 'Good will meet with virtue and evil will meet with retribution,' and assure people that justice will defeat evil."