(Clearwisdom.net) On Saturday September 29, 2007, the Melbourne Service Center for Quitting the CCP held a rally on City Square to support 26 million Chinese people who have quit tbe Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the Communist Youth League, and the Young Pioneers. As it was one day before the CCP's China National Day, the rally was also seen as an avenue to commemorate the 80 million Chinese people persecuted to death by the CCP over the course of its history.

Poster display on the Nine Commentaries at the rally site
Students from China read the poster display on the Nine Commentaries
Local people sign a petition to support the efforts to stop the CCP's human rights persecution
Ms. Ling Min from the Service Center for Quitting tbe CCP, Ms. Kate Vereshaka, spokesperson from Free China, Mr. Xiao Zhonghua, Chairman of the Falun Dafa Association of Victoria, Australia, Mr. Fan Huiqiang, spokesperson for the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong, and Mr. Sun Hanyu, a Falun Gong practitioner, made speeches in the rally. They called on people to learn about and spread the facts of the persecution, to stop the CCP's persecution of innocent people, and respond to the message of the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP. They also proposed designating the month October as "All People Awaking Month" for Chinese people to renounce the CCP.
Thirteen people from China asked the service center volunteers to issue statements of their quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations.
Ms. Ling Min said in her speech, "There are rapid changes in China, characterized by three major trends. The first is that more and more people are reading and hearing about the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and are quickly quitting the CCP. The second is that almost everyone recognizes the disaster that the CCP has brought to the Chinese people. The third is that Chinese people are beginning to get rid of the fear of being persecuted by the CCP. The Nine Commentaries are helping people recognize the CCP's evil nature and find a true solution."
Ms. Ling said that more and more people have issued statements renouncing the CCP with their genuine names, and group announcements of quitting the CCP are becoming prevalent. The number of people who have quit the CCP is approaching 30 million.
Mr. Sun Hanyu, whose five-member family was illegally arrested in China one after another for practicing Falun Gong, said that in the 58 years since the CCP took power, China has been in deep trouble and people are suffering hardships. The CCP maintains its control by killing people and covering up its bloody crimes with lies.
He said that the disaster of the CCP is not only affecting Chinese people but also the whole human race. Today, the world's people are helping rescue and support Falun Gong practitioners and others being persecuted by the CCP and are working to stop the CCP's spread of lies across the world. By supporting the trend of quitting the CCP and thus disintegrating the CCP, we will usher in the coming of a new epoch for mankind.
The poster display on the Nine Commentaries at the rally site caught the attention of many tourists. Many signed the petition letter to the Australian Government to express their support for human rights in China.
After listening to the speeches at the rally and reading literature from the Service Center for Quitting the CCP, thirteen people from China asked the service center volunteers to help issue statements to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. One family of three quit together, with one quitting the CCP and two quitting the Communist Youth League.
An older gentleman listened carefully to each speech, with tears in his eyes. After the rally, a reporter interviewed him. He said that his heart was bleeding and he felt great sorrow after hearing that the Chinese people have been suffering so much. He said he comes from a Christian family and his father worked in the Church and helped people his whole life. He indicated that he would try his best to help stop the persecution.