(Clearwisdom.net) On Friday September 8th, Falun Gong practitioners visited the city of Levice in Slovakia. Although the weather was rather cloudy at first, they put up a table with a petition against the persecution, erected banners showing scenes from the persecution and started to practice the peaceful Falun Gong exercises.
The passers-by took fliers. Many of them were secondary school students who couldn’t imagine a persecution of such scale. Because they were so young, they also couldn’t remember the parallel with the behavior of the former communist regime in Slovakia, as did the older generations. When a construction worker saw a banner disclosing the torture of women in Chinese prisons, he immediately signed the petition and also invited his colleagues to do the same, which they did. He also thanked the practitioners for doing something about the situation in China.
A citizen of Levice, who was concerned about national discord in Slovakia, signed our petition as he saw that we support the values of tolerance and goodness.
In the afternoon, several children from Levice tried to imitate the practitioners, wanting to learn the Falun Gong exercises. While a practitioner guided them, they patiently repeated the movements of the exercises, and afterwards they also decided to help us with distributing fliers.
Saturday morning found the practitioners in another city, Kremnica. Thanks to an announcement in a local broadcast, there were already a few people waiting for us, to learn more about Falun Gong. Two women were impressed by the paper lotus flowers, which we gave to children. They were happy to learn the technique of making the lotus flowers themselves.
Our petition was signed also by a few tourists from Poland who were visiting Kremnica. They practiced Tai-chi and couldn’t understand why the Chinese government persecutes the peaceful exercise system.
During these two days, we gathered about two hundred signatures to our petition.
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200609/35512.html
Category: Rallies & Protests