(Clearwisdom.net) In order to create a better cultivation environment for young Falun Dafa practitioners, Denpasar Minghui School on the island of Bali, Indonesia was officially established on Sunday, August 6, 2006. The celebration for the founding of the school was held in a special school in Denpasar, with several dozen Falun Gong practitioners from Denpasar and Kuta attending.

Young Falun Dafa practitioners sing in chorus "Falun Dafa Is Good"
Greeted by the founding member of the Denpasar Minghui School, Mr. Sudaman, a variety of performances came to the stage one after another. Mr. Wayang and nine young Dafa practitioners read "Lun Yu" [preface of Zhuan Falun] in both Chinese and Indonesian, representing the official inauguration of the Denpasar Minghui School.
After that, "Falun Dafa is Good" was sung by children from Kuta and the Denpasar Minghui School. They also sang two more songs composed by a Falun Dafa practitioner from Kuta.
Next, several children from the Minghui School read aloud Hong Yin, and several children from the Kuta Minghui School also read their cultivation experience sharing papers on the stage.
Denpasar Minghui School is scheduled to hold study sessions every Sunday morning from 8:45 to 11:00 (local time). Currently, the curriculum includes English, Chinese, singing, dancing, studying the Fa, reading Hong Yin and doing the Falun Gong exercises.