(Clearwisdom.net) Schwandorf, translated literally, is a pleasant name: Swan Village. At Schwandorf's millennium celebration this year, people were pleased to learn about the peaceful and pure practice of Falun Dafa, and also surprised to learn that practitioners have suffered brutal persecution in China for over 7 years. The CCP even steals and sells Falun Gong practitioners' organs for profit. Learning this, many local citizens expressed: "We cannot turn a blind eye to this. Such evil crimes cannot continue!" After reading the display boards, people came to sign a petition to protest the CCP's brutal and inhuman persecution of Falun Gong.
A gentleman arrived at the Falun Gong booth early and signed the petition without hesitation. He told practitioners that he is an MP of Green Party. He decided to support Falun Gong anti-persecution efforts after receiving practitioners' invitation and learning about the CCP's organ harvesting.
A lady signed three different petition forms and hoped her friend would do the same. At the beginning, her friend was reluctant to sign the petitions, so her friend said: "If all of us are callous to such evil persecution, then the situation in China cannot be changed." Encouraged by her friend, the lady signed the three petitions.
Another gentleman was very much shocked after reading the display boards and listening to practitioners' detailed explanation of the persecution in China. He wanted to donate some money to help Falun Gong's anti-persecution campaign. Practitioners politely refused the donation and recommended another way to help.
![]() Signing names to support Falun Gong |
![]() Exercise demonstration |
Some citizens had asked for Chinese materials for their Chinese friends. A middle-aged gentleman said that a few days later some Chinese officials would visit him. He will ask them if they know about the organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners. Some people from Mainland China came to the booth. They expressed their admiration of Falun Gong. They felt that Falun Gong is extraordinary indeed; Falun Gong can attract international society's attention in such a short time. They were happy to take pictures with Falun Gong practitioners.
Besides telling the truth of the persecution, in order to harmonise with the atmosphere of the millennium celebration, Falun Gong practitioners also carefully prepared a Chinese traditional dance and Falun Gong exercise demonstration. The audience was delighted to watch, especially the sitting meditation. Boisterous children suddenly became quiet and stayed a long time to watch. A child's father said that, "It's very strange, now the child is so quiet. It looks as if our family should buy some meditation music and let the child listen to it." Many children asked the adults, "Are they real?", thinking that the practitioners sitting in meditation looked like statues. A child touched a practitioner sitting in meditation and the practitioner opened her eyes. The child joyfully shouted: "Ah, they're real! So beautiful."A local newspaper published photos of the demonstration of Falun Gong exercises. A practitioner was interviewed by a local radio station and exposed the organ harvesting for all to hear.