Words on banner: Falun Dafa is good
(Clearwisdom.net) July 4 is the United States' Independence Day and also the most magnificent holiday in Saipan. In the morning, Seacoast Avenue became busy and residents started gathering there. Though it was hot, people were waiting for the annual Independence Day parade.
Falun Gong practitioners' colorful procession spreads the words: Falun Dafa is good!
The Falun Dafa Association of Saipan has participated in the parade for five consecutive years. Practitioners from Japan and Taiwan also participated in the parade.
The practitioners' procession was headed by a banner worded "Falun Dafa is good", followed by a waist drum troupe. The drum playing and the music "Falun Dafa is good" moved people's hearts.
After the waist drum team, it was banner and flag group, followed by a dance team wearing Tang-dynasty costumes. The dance team was led by a professional coach. Their beautiful dances won acclaim and applause. Some started to sing "Falun Dafa is good," following the music. Some spoke out the words. Cameras and camcorders were directed at practitioners. At the end of the procession was a float. A model of the book Zhuan Falun was placed inside a pink lotus. On the float there were practitioners demonstrating the exercises in flower shrubs.
The Falun Gong procession was very warmly received. Practitioners distributed lots of truth-clarification materials, paper lotus flowers and bookmarks to help more people learn the facts about the practice and the persecution.