(Clearwisdom.net) In order to celebrate "World Falun Dafa Day," Chungli Minghui School respectfully sends congratulations on revered Master's birthday in their class one week ahead. It was a hazy day in the morning, but when it was time to take photos in the afternoon, the sun appeared.

Young practitioners doing the exercises
Little practitioners' drum troupe
The young Falun Dafa practitioners arrived at the class location as usual. They first studied the Fa, did the exercises and sent forth righteous thoughts. After that, they moved to the outdoor square, practiced waist drums and got familiar with music they just learned. After practice, they lined up, lightheartedly and harmoniously, played two music pieces, "Joyfulness" and "Happiness," and then celebrated revered Master's birthday.
Teachers and students from Chungli Minghui School respectfully celebrate on
revered Master's birthday
Young practitioners also expressed that they will be stricter with themselves and be good children following "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," and live up to revered Master's salvation!