(Clearwisdom.net) On February 17, 2006, practitioners rallied with several international human rights organizations in Berlin, urging Foreign Minister Steimeier to pay attention to the Chinese Communist Party's cruel persecution of Falun Gong. The Foreign Minister will soon visit Asia.
Steimeier became Minister of Foreign Affairs last November.
The Falun Gong Association expressed that the CCP persecution of Falun Gong has become more concealed. When the persecution began in 1999, Chinese media fabricated overwhelming propaganda to slander Falun Gong. However in recent years the propaganda has lessened, which gives the outside world the false impression that Falun Gong does not exist anymore. The CCP's ultimate purpose is to escape international condemnation for its ongoing brutal suppression of Falun Gong.
The Falun Gong Association representatives point out that in fact, the CCP's arrests and torture of Falun Gong practitioners haven't decreased at all. The number of practitioners beaten and tortured to death continues to steadily rise.

Two tourists from Argentina show their support for Falun Gong
A Chinese democracy advocate, Fei Liangyong, thinks that the human rights situation inside China is actually deteriorating at an alarming and worrying rate. He condemns the CCP's wicked gangster-like tactics of sending secret agents to America and attacking Epoch Times chief technician and Falun Gong practitioner Dr. Li Yuan. At the same time he urges the world to pay attention to the incident.
Officials of the German Foreign Ministry came to the rally that afternoon to meet representatives of Falun Gong, international human rights organizations and Chinese democracy advocates. They met for nearly an hour.
Falun Gong representative Wu Manyan spoke to the diplomats about Falun Gong practitioner Jiang Renzheng, who was deported to China with his family from Germany in March 2005 and was unlawfully sentenced to three years forced labor by the CCP. He still suffers persecution and is asking for help.
When offered three copies of the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party," a diplomat replied, "I have already read it and I am fully aware about the tide of quitting the CCP. I'll hand the three copies to others in the ministry".
That the new chancellor of Germany, Mrs. Merkel, personally replied to the German Falun Gong Association not long ago. Her letter clearly condemns the persecution of Falun Gong.
Two young Argentine tourists passed by the rally and expressed their support after learning the facts at the rally. They said, "We hope that Chinese people will soon live without a repressive regime. In Argentina, genocide occurred in our history. We fully understand what is happening in China. We support you."