(Clearwisdom.net) On December 9 and 10, to coincide with International Human Rights Day, Russian Falun Gong practitioners held a rally in Budyonnovsk, Stavropol, to expose the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong, which has lasted over seven years. The rally was to expose the CCP's crimes. People signed the petition to condemn the CCP and to voice their support for Falun Gong practitioners' efforts to stop the persecution.

Many passers-by were attracted by the practitioners' display boards with photos about the story of Falun Gong. Meanwhile, practitioners staged an anti-torture exhibition. Those present were touched by the scenes in which practitioners in China, portrayed by Russian practitioners, were persecuted by the CCP. Local residents inquired about details of the persecution. After being informed of the facts, they condemned the CCP's evil crimes and then signed the petition in support of Falun Gong practitioners' righteous, yet peaceful, deeds to protest against the persecution.
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200612/37102.html