(Clearwisdom.net) An annual Double Tenth National Day Fair (Taiwan's National Day) was held in a Chinese language school in Tokyo on October 8, 2006. Falun Gong practitioners participated in the fair for the second time.
People learning about Falun Gong at the Falun Gong booth.

Falun Gong practitioners demonstrate the exercises at the fair.

Falun Gong practitioner performs a song called "Awaken"
It was a clear, sunny day. Falun Gong practitioners started setting up at 7:30 in the morning. They blew up balloons, hung up banners and paper lotuses, played "Pudu" music and put Zhuan Falun books and exercise instruction tapes on a table covered with a yellow table cloth.
To prepare for the dance performance at noon, they put on Tang Dynasty costumes. Such costumes are a rare scene for many people, who were fascinated and came to take pictures. While wearing the costumes, Falun Gong practitioners distributed fliers and told people about Falun Gong. Two children practitioners demonstrated the five sets of exercises in the golden exercise uniform.
When Falun Gong practitioners talked to a group of Taiwanese students, a young man said, "I read your newspaper when I was in London." A girl said, "I have seen Falun Gong practitioners when I was in France." Another girl said, "I have also seen Falun Gong in Australia." Another one said, "When I visited France a couple of years ago, the head of the CCP happened to be visiting France. I saw Falun Gong's protest at the Eiffel Tower."
The paper lotuses that Falun Gong practitioners had carefully prepared were very popular. Both adults and children wanted them. Some people of other religions came to ask for lotuses too. Falun Gong practitioners introduced Falun Dafa as they gave away the lotus flowers.
A Taiwanese man came to the booth to buy a copy of Zhuan Falun. He asked a practitioner, "Can you still go to Mainland China? I support you. Be careful!" He shook hands with practitioners before he left. The kindness that people showed after they learned about the facts of Falun Gong was very touching.
Many Japanese said while accepting a flier, "Falun Gong. I have heard about it."
Two Chinese from Mainland China were selling calling cards. One of them must have been influenced by the CCP propaganda. She looked at the Falun Gong booth with hostility. Falun Gong practitioners chatted with her and gave her fliers and truth-clarification materials about the "self-immolation" at Tiananmen Square. In the afternoon, she greeted Falun Gong practitioners and she looked very friendly and kind. She even decided to quit the CCP. It was a drastic change, and an example of how things may happen beyond our expectations when the truth-clarification goes well.