- Declaration that joining the Party is taking the road to destruction and quitting the CCP is being reborn is posted in a factory
- Withdrawal from the CCP posted on Jiefang Road, Jilin City
- Withdrawals from the CCP appear in a park, a public square, and a bus station in Jilin City
On July 7, 2005, a solemn declaration that, "Joining the Party is taking the road to destruction, quitting the CCP is being reborn" signed by Li Zhengdao appeared near a certain factory in Hada Bay.
The declaration states, "If the CCP is not eliminated, people will have not way out, and the nation's revival will have no hope. My joining the CCP was the biggest mistake in my life. After I declared my resignation from the CCP, I was so relieved! I'm happy to be away from the evil!" "Withdraw from all malevolent organizations of the CCP, so that we will have a beautiful future."
The solemn statement declaring, "Joining the CCP is taking the road to destruction, quitting the CCP is being reborn" signed by Li Zhengdao and posted near a factory in Hada Bay
On July 10, 2005, near the Bank of Communications on Jiefang Road in Jilin City appeared a statement of withdrawal from the CCP written by Rui Zhi. The contents read, "I'm an engineering technician with a Master's degree. I joined the Young Pioneers and Youth League in my earlier years. After I went to university, I gradually recognized the CCP's evil nature and its history of deception, corruption and brutality, but considering the pressure I would face when taking up an occupation after my graduation, I joined the Party against my will."
"Now I've further seen clearly the CCP evil specter's brutality, deception and corruption, and I have also clearly recognized that the CCP's nature is against heaven, against earth and against humanity."
Therefore, I solemnly declare that I completely withdraw from all organizations of the CCP and the CCP evil specter, and that I nobly and uprightly become a good person.
Declared by Rui Zhi
Statement about resigning from the CCP declared by Rui Zhi, an engineering technician, posted near the Bank of Communications on Jiefang Road
On June 20, 2005, statements about resigning from the CCP and Youth League and Young Pioneers appeared on the front and side gates of Longtanshan Park at the foot of Longtan Mountain in Jilin City. Many visitors read them.

Statements about resigning from the CCP posted on the front gate, side gate and pole at Longtanshan Park attract visitors' attention
Statement about resigning from the CCP posted at Leisure Square under the Longtan Bridge
On June 20, 2005, on a wire pole near the Qinglin Street bus stop for the No. 6 Bus in Tiedong in the Longtan District, Jilin City, appeared a statement about resigning from the CCP. Two passengers who were waiting for the bus were reading it.
Two passengers waiting for a bus read the resignation statement posted on a wire pole
Declarations of Withdrawal from the CCP appear in several public places in Jilin City
1. On June 27, 2005, notices proclaiming, "Heaven sends us the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party--choose your future" appeared at the crossing of Jiefang Road in Jilin City. People passing by noticed and read it.
"Heaven sends us Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party---choose your future" posted at the crossing of the Jiefang Road, Jilin City
Passersby read the notice entitled, "Heaven sends us the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party--choose your future."
2. In June and July 2005, in several public places such as billboards, phone booths, buildings and factories on the bank of the Songhua River, signs bearing messages that more than 2.4 million and 2.6 million people have withdrawn from the CCP and Youth League appeared.
3. In June and July 2005, in factories and other public places on Jiefang Road in Jilin City signs appeared reading, "Heaven sends us the Nine Commentaries, exposing the evil nature (of the CCP)," which aroused the attention of passersby.
4. In June and July 2005, on the walls and corridors of residential areas in Jilin City signs appeared with the words, "Heaven will eliminate the CCP, resigning from the CCP ensures one's safety," which attracted residents' attention.
5. In June and July, 2005, in several public places, including on the pole at a bus stop on Tongjiang Road in Jilin City, near the gate of a residential area, on the notice board of a residential area, on a wire pole near a busy roadside, and in the corridor of a residential area appeared signs bearing messages like, "Heaven will eliminate the CCP, resigning from the CCP is ensuring one's safety" and "The Nine Commentaries spread good wishes, resigning from the CCP is ensuring one's safety."
6. In June and July 2005, in public places such as near residential areas on the bank of the Songhuajiang River in Jiangnan, Jilin City, and phone booths in busy streets in Jilin City, notices appeared about the Epoch Times' proposal to "destroy objects related to the Chinese Communist Party."
Declarations of Withdrawal from the CCP Appear in Public Bulletins and on Buildings in Jilin City
By Liang Zhi, a righteous Jilin resident
In November 2004, The Epoch Times first posted the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Having been poisoned and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) culture, the Chinese people are awakening and declaring their resignations in public after seeing the Nine Commentaries through various channels.
In March 2005, many resignation statements appeared in the newspaper display bulletin of the Jiangcheng Daily, a mouthpiece of the CCP in the Jilin District. They were posted on the front gate of a residential area of Jilin Army Unit 65117 and in a business area in front of the Jilin Railway Station. The appearance of these statements was reported by overseas media. The news spread quickly in the local region, and many people told each other about it. To stop the spread of this matter, the nameplate on gate of the residential area of Army Unit 65117 was removed a few days later. The more the authorities tried to hide the truth, the more people wanted to know the facts. In June and July 2005, as more and more people learned about the Nine Commentaries, many resignation statements and banners worded "Heaven destroys the CCP" appeared in many public locations.
1. A young police officer's resignation statement posted on the police station's bulletin board and other public locationOn the evening of June 27, 2005, the resignation statement of a young police officer was posted on bulletin board of the Changyi Police Station in Jilin City, which is located in a busy business area on Jiefang Boulevard, and also on an advisement board of a bus stop across from the police station. The statement read, in part,
"After reading the Nine Commentaries on Communist Party by The Epoch Times, I became clear that all the theory, history and conduct of the CCP are truly fake, evil and violent, and that the gangster Party is evil, anti-human and anti-universe. I have been a policeman for many years and understood that those following the CCP to commit wrongdoings will be punished by God. Resignation from CCP is the only way for a peaceful future.
"During the last ten years that I have been a policeman, I have done many things against my conscience. By carrying out orders from my superiors to persecute good people, I committed crimes. When I think of the wrongs I did against good people, my conscience tells me that I cannot continue doing wrong.
"Now I state that I am resigning from the CCP and all its evil organizations. May God forgive me for my wrongdoings as a CCP policeman when God destroys the CCP.
"A policeman from Jilin: Gao Yuan, June 12, 2005"
At the end, Gao wrote, "I advise my fellow police officers not to follow the CCP to do wrong, but to resign from the CCP and all its evil organizations.
Resignation statement of Police Officer Gao Yuan posted on the bulletin board of the Changyi Police Station
Resignation statement of a Police Officer Gao Yuan posted on an advisement board in a bus stop across from the Changyi Police Station
2. Resignation statement of a Jilin railway official posted on Railway Culture Palace bulletin board
At the beginning of July 2005, on a bulletin board at the Jilin Railway Culture Palace located in a busy business area near the railway station, a solemn resignation statement of a Jilin railway official (signed with an alias) titled "Heaven Will Destroy the CCP; Resign from the CCP for Future Peace!" was posted. The contents read:
"I am an official in the Jilin Railway system. After reading the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party by The Epoch Times, I realize that I was deceived by the CCP. The CCP is all based on lies and killing and never cared about people's lives. Chinese culture and good traditions of 5000 years have been destroyed by the CCP.
"There have been many natural and man-made disasters during recent years, and the average person has a hard life. The CCP uses its controlled media and propaganda to color peace and deceive people.
"On the disgraceful day of July 1, the evil CCP's birthday, I solemnly declare that I resign from the CCP and all its organizations and select a bright future!
"Signed: Zhao Xiwang (alias)"
A little while after the statement was posted, passers-by stopped in the rain to read it.
Statement of an official in the Jilin Railway system, Zhao Xiwang,
posted on a bulletin board of the Jilin Railway Culture Palace
Passers-by in the rain reading Zhao Xiwang's statement
3. Resignation statement of a judge posted on a bulletin board in the Chuanying District Court, Jilin City
On the morning of June 27, 2005, the resignation statement of "Xu Yuanda," the assumed name of a judge, was posted on a bulletin board in the Chuanying District Court in Jilin City. The main contents were as follows:
"I am a judge, and I joined CCP in the 1980s. I have been working in the courts for more than 20 years. I saw that some innocent people were fined or sentenced and that criminals that had committed capital crimes could have their sentences changed by bribing. The CCP's officials commit all sorts of wrongdoings and are very unpopular.
"After reading the Nine Commentaries on Communist Party by The Epoch Times, I am clear that the root of all crimes is the CCP. I declare my resignation from the CCP and all its evil organizations.
"Signed: Xu Yuanda (alias)"
Passers-by in the morning were curious about the statement on the court bulletin board and stopped to take a look.
Passers-by reading the resignation statement on the court bulletin board
4. Stockholder's resignation statement in front of Jilin Northeast Stock Exchange
On July 10, 2005, the resignation statement of stockholder Zhao Aiguo was posted in front of the Jilin Northeast Stock Exchange located at 111 Jiefang Boulevard, Jilin City. It read:
"For the last few years, China's stock market has become a demon of expansion, money-collecting and a trap for stockholders.
"Under the control of the CCP, tens of millions of stockholders have been deceived again and again, personal property has been confiscated, and China's economy has been brought to the brink of collapse. I won't provide one penny for corrupt officials. I not only am getting out of stock market but also resigning from the evil CCP.
"This Chinese stockholder is firmly resigning from the CCP.
"Signed: Zhao Aiguo"
Resignation statement of stockholder Zhao Aiguo posted in front of the
Northeast Stock Exchange
5. Resignation statement of a family of five posted near Zhiheli Cross Bridge, Jilin City
On July 10, 2005, a resignation statement of a family of five was posted near Zhiheli Cross Bridge, Jilin City. The main contents were as follows:
"We are a family of everyday people in Jiangcheng. Though not familiar with state affairs, I know the CCP is too corrupt. The CCP's corrupt and evil nature is disgusting, but like many kind Chinese people, we dare not speak out even though we are angry.
"After reading the Nine Commentaries on Communist Party by The Epoch Times, we now know why the CCP is so evil. It doesn't allow people to believe in God and the principle of "Good is rewarded with good and evil meets evil." The CCP is the root of all crimes.
"Now we solemnly declare our resignations from the CCP and all CCP organizations.
"Declared by: Wang Bin, Wang Xiaorui, Li Mingyan, Guo Yangyi, and Wang Xinchun"

6. Resignation statement of a farmer posted near Jilin Railway Station
In July 2005, a farmer's resignation statement was posted on an electric pole near the Jilin Railway Station.

Resignation statement of a farmer posted near Jilin Railway Station
Resignation Statements from doctors and nurses appear near several hospitals in Jilin City (Photos)
1. A doctor's resignation statement posted outside the emergency treatment room of Hua Er Hospital in Jilin CityOn June 20, 2005, a doctor's resignation statement appeared outside the emergency treatment room of Hua Er Hospital in Jilin City
On June 27, 2005, in front of the front gate of the No. 2 People's Hospital (Cancer Hospital) at No. 765, Tongjiang Road, Jilin City, appeared a resignation statement from "Song Yiran," the assumed name of a doctor. The statement says,
"After reading the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, I was suddenly awakened. Since the CCP seized power, in one movement after another, how many innocent people have died as a result of persecution? The CCP's atheism has completely destroyed human morality and led the Chinese people to an abyss of suffering.
"Now I have seen clearly the CCP specter's evil nature. For the sake of tens of thousands of souls of deceased people and so that humanity will no longer be jeopardized by the CCP specter, I resolutely withdraw form all related organizations of the CCP, including the Young Pioneers, Youth League, and the Party. I will thoroughly clear away all evil elements imposed upon us by the Communist specter."
"Declared by Song Yiran"
Resignation statement of Doctor Song Yiran posted at the front gate of No.2 People's Hospital in Jilin City
On June 27, 2005, a patient's relative was reading Doctor Song Yiran's resignation statement in front of the gate of hospital
3. A group resignation statement signed by 102 citizens posted on a notice board of the Railway Hospital of Jilin City
On July 8, 2005, a group resignation statement signed 102 citizens was posted on a notice board of the Railway Hospital of Jilin City. The content reads:
"We are citizens from all walks of life in Jilin City. We are government officials, civil servants, police officers, doctors, ordinary workers, farmers, and intellectuals. We have read the Nine Commentaries compiled by a website, and we have seen clearly the evil nature of the CCP, and decided to solemnly declare our withdrawal from all malevolent organizations controlled by the CCP specter, including the Party, the Youth League, and the Young Pioneers, and thoroughly break away from it. Here we thank The Epoch Times very much to offer us an opportunity to save ourselves.
"The following are the names of 102 people who have resigned from the CCP with pen names or aliases."
Group resignation statement of 102 citizens posted on a notice board of the Railway Hospital of Jilin City
Resignation statements appear near several schools in Jilin City
- A statement resigning from the Young Pioneers from a seven-year-old elementary school student appears in Tongjiang Elementary School
- A university student's statement resigning from the Young Pioneers appears in Olympic Training Center
- A teacher's resignation statement appeared in front of Jihua No. 9 Middle School in Jilin City
On the evening of June 27, 2005, a statement resigning from the Young Pioneer from seven-year-old student Wang Siyao appeared in Tongjiang Elementary School and Songjiang Training Base. It read:
"I'm Wang Siyao, seven years old. I study in grade one of a certain elementary school in Jilin City. I heard from my grandparents that the CCP has done many bad deeds in history, persecuting good people, intellectuals, and many other good people, so I will stay far away from the CCP all my life.
"This Children's Day, my teacher forced me to become a member of the Chinese Young Pioneers. Today I am very angry. I did not write the application, but the teacher forced it on me, so I won't acknowledge it.
"Because I want to gain knowledge and didn't dare not to wear the red scarf, I'm afraid the teacher will expel me, so I am writing this statement to resign from the Chinese Young Pioneers. Aunties and Uncles, please be my witnesses.
"Declared by Wang Siyao, June 20, 2005"
A statement resigning from the Young Pioneers from seven-year-old elementary school student Wang Siyao posted in Tongjiang Elementary School and Songjiang Training Base
On the evening of June 27, 2005, a statement about resigning from the Youth League and the Young Pioneers from "Qing Zhou," the assumed name of a university student, appeared on the gate of Olympic Training Center near Tongjiang Street.
Resignation statement of university student Qing Zhou posted on the front gate of Olympic Training Center
On June 20, 2005, a teacher's statement about resigning from the CCP appeared on a wire pole in front of the Jihua No. 9 Middle School in the Longtan District of Jilin City. People passing by were looking at and reading it.
Passersby reading a teacher's resignation statement posted on a wire pole in front of Jihua No. 9 Middle School