On the 20th of July 2004, Falun Gong practitioners in Madrid came to the Chinese Embassy to strongly protest against Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin's brutal persecution of Falun Gong that has now lasted for five years.
On the lawn opposite the Embassy, practitioners set up banners reading "Immediately Stop the Jiang Group's Persecution of Falun Gong", "Condemning the Jiang Regime's Terrorism", and "Falun Dafa Is Good". Pictures depicting the situation of Falun Gong across the world were displayed and practitioners collected petition signatures to help stop the persecution.
On the Sunday morning there were many people who saw the Falun Gong banners, pictures and practitioners demonstrating the Falun Gong exercises. Many people took the initiative to find out more and enthusiastically signed our petitions. A little girl aged about seven not only signed her name but also asked her parents to sign our petition as well. She then raised the pen in her hand to invite other people around her to sign the petition. All the people around her were happy to accept her invitation and appreciated her good conduct.
An Argentinean tourist joined the practitioners' appeal and learned the Falun Gong exercises without hesitation after she understood the truth. At the end of the activity she told practitioners that she felt very lucky to have had the chance to come to know about Falun Dafa. She was just passing through Madrid before heading for another city that afternoon. She felt that it was no coincidence for her to meet with Falun Dafa. Before she left, she asked for the the addresses and contact telephone numbers of Falun Gong exercise sites in Argentina and then gave every practitioner a hug before saying goodbye.
After listening to practitioners' simple introduction to Falun Gong a lady immediately decided to stay with practitioners to do the five sets of exercises. After finished the exercises, she felt very happy and appreciated the practitioners' invitation to join the practice. She told practitioners that she originally intended to go to a hospital to visit her sick son, however somehow she unconsciously got off at the station near the petition site. When she saw practitioners doing the exercises, she immediately felt a very strong attraction, therefore she decided to stay and learn the exercises. Before she left, she was extremely happy and said, "I was in a bad mood when I arrived and felt very heavy-hearted due to my son's condition. Now I feel much more relaxed and happy. I think that this isn't good for just me but also for my son. I will certainly tell my son about Falun Gong, thank you!".
Because some practitioners had gone to support a Falun Gong activity in another city, there was not as many in the activity in Madrid. However, there were constantly new people joining our team for the appeal and also to learn the exercises, even outnumbering the practitioners. During this activity to mark the fifth anniversary of the persecution of Falun Gong many people were able to learn the truth about Falun Gong. This itself validates the greatness of Falun Dafa and the will of people towards goodness.
Violence can never change people's hearts, destroy the good nature of humankind and can never defeat the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance"
On the evening of the 23rd of July, Spanish Dafa practitioners once again gathered outside the Chinese Embassy to hold a candlelight vigil to commemorate those practitioners who have been persecuted to death in Mainland China for upholding the truth and persisting in their belief.
Practitioners unfolded banners, displayed pictures showing the true situation of Falun Gong and lit candles in remembrance of those who have died during the persecution. Under the blanket of night, the beautiful candlelight glittered in the breeze. Practitioners peacefully sat in meditation, sent righteous thoughts, distributed leaflets, and discussed the facts with passersby. The whole scene was dignified and solemn. Passing vehicles beeped their horns or waved to express their greetings and respects throughout the activity. The pedestrians on both sides of the street came over specially to sign the petition.
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Category: Rallies & Protests