(Clearwisdom.net) At noon on June 8, 2004, Falun Gong practitioners from San Diego, California were invited to go to the State Compensation Insurance Fund of California, which has more than 500 staff members, to hold a Falun Gong introductory seminar there. The seminar was warmly received. This seminar was coordinated by two new practitioners who work for this company. One of them began practicing Falun Dafa about a year ago, and another started two months ago.
The seminar was held in the company's conference room. Staff members who attended the seminar watched the Falun Gong exercise demonstration video and learned the five sets of exercises. They also asked some questions. Many people said they felt great after learning the exercises. Some asked about where to buy Dafa books and videotapes, and some said that they would go to a nearby practice site to join the group practice.