(Clearwisdom.net) This year, the Korean lunar calendar's "August Festival" was held at Overpeck Park in Bergen County, New Jersey. New Jersey's Governor James McGreevey gave a speech at the opening ceremony. Fifty-five Korean associations in New Jersey came, totaling a few thousand people who participated in the celebration.

Some practitioners of New Jersey with a compassionate heart of letting more people learn about Falun Dafa took this opportunity and came to the park early in the morning. They set up a Falun Dafa booth and began to distribute flyers to passersby. They told people where the free Falun Dafa exercise classes were located, talked about the benefits Falun Dafa brings to the practitioners, their families and the society, and clarified the facts about the brutal persecution in China.
Some practitioners distributed flyers and talked to the people who wanted to learn the truth about Dafa. Other practitioners demonstrated the exercises accompanied by the music. The cloudy sky turned clear and blue.
The peaceful Dafa music and quiet demonstration attracted a lot of people. Some of them smiled and said, "Falun Gong! I've heard about it." Many people said, "Ah, Falun Gong!" and looked as if they had waited for a long time to see us. Some people asked about our exercise classes and many took the printed materials. One American woman came to our booth and told us in Chinese that she is an expert on China. A practitioner handed some truth-clarification materials to her. She said, "I know about Falun Gong. I want to know all about China." The practitioner told her the personal experiences after practicing Falun Dafa, the persecution in China, and the web addresses to read more information about Falun Dafa. The woman was very happy, "This is great. I always want to know more." The hand-made paper lotus flower brought happiness to adults and children alike. They held the lotus flower in their hands carefully and smiled happily.
Through the one-day activity, the practitioners felt the heavenly climate had changed. We shall be diligent to save more lives.