(Clearwisdom.net) September 10th report: I'm a Dafa
practitioner in a city in north China. The local police tortured me on three
different occasions: in November 2000, September 2001 and March 2002. At this
time, I want to come forward with these photographs as evidence of Jiang and his
accomplices brutally torturing Dafa practitioners.

years have passed and many scars have faded, but some scars on my back are still
visible. The scars were left from torture with an electric baton that took place
in a hotel, which policemen use to torture practitioners.
The thick scar on my left hipbone was left from torture
in September 2001 |
These scars were from torture with handcuffs and
electric shocks from 2001 to 2002 |
These scars were from police torture in March 2002 |