City of San Buenavantura
City Council
Ray Di Cuilio, Mayor
Brian Brennan, Deputy Mayor
Neal Andrews, Council member
James J. Friedman, Council member
James L. Monahan, Council member
Carl E. Morehouse, Council member
Sandy E. Smith, Council member
June 13, 2003
On behalf of the City Council of the City of San Buenaventura, I would like to congratulate and welcome you to our City as you celebrate the first Ventura County Falun Dafa Week.
I understand that the week of June 23-29, 2003 actually marks this occasion, but the local festivities honoring Falun Dafa will take place at 2:00pm on June 28 at the Foster Library.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to join you, as my wife will be out of the country; however, I invite you to partake of the many amenities our fair City has to offer -- and a splendid selection right in the proximity of the Foster Library!
Again, congratulations and best wishes for a successful event!
Ray Di Guilio