(Clearwisdom.net) On June 28th "Ukraine Youth Day" was held in Donetsk City. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to hold an exhibition as part of this event.

Many people attended and, for most of them, it was the first time they had heard of Falun Gong and the facts of the persecution in China.
At the exhibition, visitors were very interested in how practitioners have benefited from practising Falun Gong. Some young men attentively listened to a practitioner talking about how Falun Gong has helped her deal with the conflicts in her family. They asked her to further elaborate on how the relationship between her and her son had improved. They listened to the story with full attention, since they are about to be parents, they are interested in this topic.
A man who came with his son asked many questions about the exercises and the persecution of Falun Gong in China. When the man was about to leave, he said to his son: "Do you see what a wonderful thing these people have done?"
A Chinese student came to us and took some Chinese materials from us. When he distributed the materials to his classmates, a western Falun Gong practitioner greeted them in Chinese. They smiled in return for the practitioner's kindness. We could tell that they were very happy to receive the materials.
Regardless of the fact that her bus was about to leave, a lady rushed to our booth and asked what we were doing there. A practitioner immediately replied: "This is Falun Gong, a cultivation based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance." She said in haste, "This is what I want. Please give me some materials right way." She grasped the materials and rushed to catch her waiting bus.
Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200307/13921.html
Category: Other Community Events