(Clearwisdom.net) June 18th report:

In order to support bringing Jiang to Justice globally, and to call for rescue of Yoko Kaneko who has been illegally imprisoned in China for over a year, and to call for stopping the Chinese government from persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners, on June 15, 2003, practitioners from different places in Japan arrived in Nagano to hold a parade.
In the morning, practitioners as a group sent righteous thoughts, practiced the exercises, studied the Fa and shared experiences. At 1:30 p.m., the procession started from the Minamichitose Park in the downtown area, many people on the streets accepted Dafa truth-clarifying literature and materials from practitioners, during the two hour parade; we distributed almost two thousand truth-clarifying materials. Police officers who directed the parade wore smiles on their faces during the entire procession. Truly as Teacher says,
"The Buddha light illuminates everywhere, propriety and justice rectify and harmonize everything. " ("In harmony with the Fa " Hong Yin)
Category: April 25 Events