Discussing the Hong Kong Trial's Regional and Overall Significance

(Clearwisdom.net) The Hong Kong authorities began the court proceedings for the politically motivated trial against 16 Falun Gong practitioners on June 17, 2002. The defense for the Falun Gong practitioners have proven with video footage and clear-cut numbers that the Falun Gong practitioners could not have caused an obstruction to the traffic with their peaceful appeal through sitting meditation. The vacant space in front of the Hong Kong Chinese Liaison Office covered over 140 square meters, and the Falun Gong practitioners took up no more than 7 square meters. The false charge of the Falun Gong practitioners "assaulting the police" is even more of a blatant lie. Aside from the fact that the arrest itself was illegal, in the process of the arrest the police authorities used several violent methods against the practitioners. The video footage shows that the police used force to press down on the Falun Gong practitioners' pressure points around the neck and facial area, twisted their arms forcefully, etc.

We Hope That Hong Kong Authorities Will Stay on the Side of Justice and Civilized Society

(Clearwisdom.net) More and more people realize that the final battle between righteousness and evil foretold in many prophecies is being manifested in the peaceful and non-violent appeal of Falun Gong practitioners and the brutal persecution against Falun Gong by Jiang's political regime. Every country and nation's attitude toward this persecution is directly related to the future of its people in that country.

Intervention Magazine: A Trial In Hong Kong Puts China On Trial

[Editor's note: The photos on http://faluninfo.net/focus/hongkong.asp clearly show how the so-called "obstruction" was impossible.]

With the eyes of the world media focused on the war on terror and the protracted conflict in the Middle East, developments in China have tended to take a back seat. With the US economy staggering and China's booming, perhaps some media outlets feel this is not the right time to raise new questions about the behavior of America's #1 trading partner.

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