Letter to President Bush: Americans Say "No" To Dictator

Dear President Bush,

We are deeply concerned about the invitation to the Chinese president, Jiang Zemin, to visit your ranch in Crawford, Texas during late October.

Jiang Zemin maneuvered into the top posts of the Chinese government by supporting martial law during its 1989 crackdown on democracy, which led to the massacre of many innocent students in Tiananmen Square. To conceal the blood on his hands for many such crimes and to remain in power, he uses a vast state-controlled propaganda machine to brainwash the Chinese people. He manipulates the content of the media, and he blocks accurate information. Within China and Chinese communities abroad, he is also spreading hatred of the United States and any other Western country that openly criticizes China's ever-deteriorating human rights record. Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister of WWII, poisoned the world using the same tactics - he stated, "repeat a lie thousands of times, and it will become the truth."

Canadian Broadcast Standards Council Rules Against China's Propaganda Attacking Falun Gong in Canada

Link to Decision: http://www.cbsc.ca/english/decision/020816.htm

Link to Appendix: http://www.cbsc.ca/english/decision/020816appendix.htm

OTTAWA, August 21, 2002 (Falun Dafa Information Centre) -- Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) released a decision on Friday, August 16 -- the first from a Canadian regulatory body -- against the airing of propaganda attacking Falun Gong on television in Canada.

Overseas Practitioners Send Congratulations for the Establishment of the Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association


Japan Falun Gong Association Sends Congratulations for the Establishment of the Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association:

In order to disseminate the wonderfulness of Falun Dafa throughout the world, as Teacher said, "With righteous thoughts and righteous actions," let's advance together, so that we do not falter in our historical missions bestowed upon us by Dafa and so that we can walk well on our own Fa-rectification paths.

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