(Clearwisdom.net) In the past month, Tainan County practitioners successfully organized two schoolteachers' Falun Gong summer camps. The first one was held on July 16th and 17th at Jiali Township Tsinyi National Elementary School. The teachers responded warmly because they already knew that Falun Dafa is very good. Teachers from many schools attended the summer camp. The superintendent of the education bureau came to the summer camp in person and gave a speech that emphasized the benefits of practicing Falun Gong and also encouraged the teachers to bring "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" to their schools to educate the students and let more people benefit from it.

The second summer camp was held in Tsinmin, in the national elementary school on August 6th and 7th. The principal of the school generously let the summer camp to use the music hall. Outside the hall, it was storming, but inside the hall, teachers were diligently learning Falun Dafa. First, the principal of Tsinmin Elementary School gave the opening address. He welcomed the principals, directors, teachers and staff from all schools. He said he carefully observed the Falun Gong practitioners' behavior from the time of first contacting him for the summer camp to finally setting up the hall. He said he was moved and now he decided to study Falun Gong himself. The superintendent of the city education bureau Mr. Wang also came to the summer camp. After he listened to the lectures given by professors and scientists, he gave a speech saying that Falun Gong not only teaches people to be good, but also focuses on cultivating people's hearts. Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is the principle of the universe. Falun Dafa is warmly accepted by the world. Only a few jealous officials in China wanted to ban and discredit it. These suppressors will "eat the bitter fruit grown by themselves". Superintendent Wang encouraged the teachers to study the Falun Gong. They should not only benefit their own health but also bring back to their schools to benefit the students and their parents. This will make the schools more peaceful and society more peaceful. He also said that he always remembers to study the FA and do the exercises everyday though his work is very busy.
On the afternoon of the second day, summer camp played the video records of the Teacher's lectures in Guangzhou city China. Surprisingly, Superintendent Wang showed up in the hall again. He didn't want to miss any time to study the FA. Before the second day camp began, another VIP came. Mr. Guo Tiancai of the current legislative committee came to the summer camp to greet the teachers. Legislator Guo had been the Director of Changhua County Education Bureau before. He was the first Director of Education Bureau to approve Teachers' Falun Gong Summer Camps. At the time, he knew that Falun Gong was great and could purify the teachers' minds and bodies. Guo's speech also confirmed the great benefits to people's health and to society from practicing Falun Dafa. He wanted the teachers to obtain better health after the summer camp. With better health, the teachers can go to school and teach the students how to be happier and can help the students with more patience so that the students can also benefit in their studies. He said he was going to read the book Zhuan Falun and learn the five sets of exercises.
Falun Dafa teaches people to assimilate to the principle of the universe: Truthfulness Compassion and Tolerance. This is a great force to make families become more harmonious and society more peaceful. At the time before the Fa rectifies the human world, the Falun Gong summer camps helped each attendee learn the principle of the universe and planted the seeds of Falun Dafa in their hearts.