
Truth Clarification and People's Responses

I've wanted to express my thoughts after being forced to watch the CCTV's "Focal Report." You have been cheated and deceived by the lies of Jiang's regime. The fabricators of the lies have poisoned over a billion people. They have put hatred and intolerance for Falun Dafa into the hearts of people who don't know the truth. I've felt very sad for those who are deceived by the lies and hold hatred in their hearts when it comes to Falun Dafa. At the same time, I know clearly that clouds have never been able to cover the sun.

Paying Close Attention to Hong Kong

We are sending this message to Hong Kong Officials from the Singapore Falun Dafa Association: For the future of Hong Kong, please choose kindness and justice. Hong Kong is well known for its freedom. However, under the pressure of Jiang's regime, the Hong Kong government is treating Falun Gong practitioners unfairly. The situation seems to be becoming worse. This suppression of freedoms is casting a shadow on Hong Kong. Power and self-interest at the expense of justice and righteousness may be tempting, yet everyone has to make their own decisions and also be responsible for bearing the consequences of their actions. The decision made by the Hong Kong judiciary will impact the future of Hong Kong and it's people.