My name is Zhao Yihong, I come from Tokyo, Japan. I am going to share with everyone here a group of pictures that display the beauty and mystery of water crystals, and tell everyone that
"Falun Dafa is the real science." The pictures and its explanations are quoted from the books [The Messages from Water 1, 2] and [Water Knows the Answer] by courtesy of the Author/Editor Dr. Masaru Emoto, Chairman of the International Hado Membership (IHM).

Concerning water crystals, the IHM has performed quite a few fascinating experiments. The experimental procedure (picture A-3 & A-4) is as follows. The water subjected to testing is dripped into 100 Petri dishes and kept in a freezer (picture A-1) for 2 hours. The frozen water crystals are then placed under a dark field microscope with its ice tip photographed at magnifications of 200-500 times (picture A-5 & A-6). Thereafter, the frozen water crystals are referred to as crystals.

(Picture A-7) The Chinese Character for Water
In the report next to this picture, Dr. Emoto explains that while taking pictures of water crystals, any kind of ice that melts to become water has to go through the state shown in this picture. When the water freezes, it becomes crystallized. At the moment just before it returns back to water (with a rise in temperature, between -5oC and 0oC) it creates a shape that is identical to the Chinese character for water. Is it possible that people in ancient times knew this and made the Chinese character for "Water" based on this information? This makes the reexamination of the etymology of Chinese characters very worthwhile.
Crystals frozen after hearing Beethoven's "Pastorale," one of Beethoven's most famous symphonies. It is a bright, novel and joyous piece. This beautiful crystal supports the fact that good music positively affects water.
Crystals frozen after hearing Chopin's "Farewell Song." Dr. Emoto comments in his report: "I have never been so astonished as I was when I obtained this crystal." Was it shaped this way because it was affected by the "Farewell Song?" The basic crystal shape is almost perfectly divided into smaller parts that have become "separated" from each other. This despite the fact that the magnifying power of the microscope is the same as it was in the other photos.
There are a tremendous variety of pictures of music crystals after music was played, but let us stop with these few examples. I guess anybody who first views these pictures can not help but be in awe at water's majestic manifestations. How can we understand the fact different types of music cause different shapes of crystals? A direct answer can be found in the book, Zhuan Falun. "Throughout history, the issue of whether matter determines mind or vice versa has been constantly discussed and debated in the world of philosophy. In fact, let me tell everyone that matter and mind are one thing." (Zhuan Falun, by Mr. Li Hongzhi) The crystal images above do suggest that matter and mind are one.
An interesting experiment undertaken by an amateur who said "Thank you" and "You fool" to some rice every day.
This experiment involved placing cooked rice in two identical glass containers. Two primary school children talked to the rice every day for one month as soon as they came home from school. As a result, the rice that the children had said "Thank you" to was nearly fermented and had a nice mellow malted rice aroma. The other bowl of rice that the children had said "You fool" to, turned black and had become rotten. They said that its smell was disgusting beyond description. The report said, "This is not an experiment that an official research institute did, so the result could have been just a coincidence. However, many people have done the same experiment and they showed the same results. Here, not only water but microbes seem to be involved. Microbes are just like us, they work hard if they are praised and become idle if they are abused. It seems that by saying "Thank you" and "You fool", the microbes must have grouped into beneficial bacteria and disadvantageous bacteria."
Next we will view some pictures taken after words were shown to water.

This one was taken after the words "Love/Gratitude" was shown. The author says in his report, "we took pictures of numerous crystals from this sample but this was the very first beautiful crystal that we saw. Indeed, there is nothing more important than love and gratitude in this world. Just by expressing love and gratitude, the water around us and in our bodies changes so beautifully. We want to apply this in our daily lives, don't we?"
The words presented to the water were: "You Make Me Sick. I Will Kill You." In the report it says, "these are words that young people often use these days. Subsequently the shape of the water was as ugly as we had expected after we exposed the sample to these words. The crystal was distorted, imploded and dispersed. It really was a visual image of the words, "You make me sick" and "I will kill you." That we exist in a world where words like this are used profusely is frightening. We have to do something ourselves."
Distilled water labeled "Love, Gratitude" influenced by electromagnetic waves.

Distilled water that was shown the NHK video "Life" (displayed in Picture B-9)
The author said in the report, "We tried an experiment based on the idea that even when shown the same TV set, differences in its programs would change the result. In so doing, even distilled water without a "Love, Gratitude" label on it showed us this beautiful crystal. After viewing all these pictures, it is not difficult for us to have such an impression: whether presented with letters or music or television programs, water shows an incredible capability of catching the common message hiding behind the superficial forms and even could distinguish the moral level of it." How can we understand the mysterious spiritual task that water performs here? Again, a statement from the book Zhuan Falun offers us a clue, "All matter in the universe, including all substances that permeate the universe, are living beings with thinking minds, and all of them are forms of existence of the universe's Fa at different levels." Don't the results of the experiments here clearly tell us that water has life and is able to distinguish good and evil? This spirituality is not only limited to water but can be found in other substances as well.
Another statement in Zhuan Falun will help us understand the general principle behind these different types of matter. "What is the Buddha Fa, then? The most fundamental characteristic of this universe, Zhen-Shan-Ren, is the highest manifestation of the Buddha Fa. It is the most fundamental Buddha Fa. The Buddha Fa manifests different forms at different levels and assumes different guiding roles at different levels. The lower the level, the more complex. This characteristic, Zhen-Shan-Ren, is in the microscopic particles of air, rock, wood, soil, iron and steel, the human body, as well as in all matter." "This characteristic, Zhen-Shan-Ren, is the criterion for measuring good and bad in the universe." " No matter how the human moral standard changes, this characteristic of the universe remains unchanged, and it is the sole criterion that distinguishes good people from bad people."
The above experiments have vividly demonstrated to us that all substances, including water crystals, are able to discern good from evil and are alive.
The IHM has also undertaken a series of experiments that shows water has the ability to reflect people's consciousness and be changed by it. In his experiment report Dr. Emoto writes, "So far, we had very interesting experiences with exposing water to music, to language and to names. And our attempt at exposing water to language had greater results than we had expected. With the results of these experiments, we were able to come with a hypothesis that messages can be transmitted through "shapes" such as words and pictures. We did not expect though, that the crystals would show such dramatic and clear change. We have become aware that water stores and transmits messages. Therefore, we could not resist stepping into the territory of human consciousness. We wanted to find out what kind of change thought could cause."
Now let me introduce the results of his consciousness experiments.

(Picture C-1) This is tap water from Kobe taken shortly after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.
(Picture C-2) This is water from same place but taken three months later.
In his report Dr. Emoto describes:
"On January 17, 1995, Three days after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake happened in Kobe area, we took pictures of the crystals found in the tap water in Kobe (that was available at that time). It is as if the water captured the fear, panic and deep sorrow of the people immediately after the earthquake. The crystals were completely destroyed. It was a picture that made people shudder. We even felt that we could not make this public because of its extreme misery. However, three months after that...Helping hands and sympathy from all over the world were given to the people in Kobe. This crystal seems to have expressed the feelings of concern and best wishes."
Another consciousness experiment was undertaken with tap water collected from Shinagawa, Tokyo.

(Picture C-3) Original tap water taken the day before
"Qi, Soul and Spirit of Love" experiment.
(Picture C-4) Same water taken after accepting
"Qi, Soul and Spirit of Love" consciousness sent by 500 people.
In this experiment the experimenter sent letters to 500 HADO instructors from around the whole country of Japan (graduates of the HADO study) to ask them to cooperate. He instructed them to "At 2:00 on February 2, 1997, I will leave a cup containing the tap water of Shinagawa-ku on the table in my office. Please transmit your feelings to that water at the same time from all over Japan. Of course, for this water to become a clean water, please send 'Qi and Soul of Love' and the wish that the water should become clean. Thank you very much."
Dr. Emoto reported, "Of course, no physical change was made. We had not expected it but were able to obtain a clear change in the condition of the water. All of the staff were so moved that they were almost ready to cry. We feel deeply appreciative of all those who cooperated with us from all over Japan. We started to feel that people's thoughts could be gathered regardless of how far apart they are." In this way, water crystals have clearly demonstrated to us that the consciousness of human beings is actually a materially existing substance, and this substance can even change our environment.
Although this consciousness experiment is revolutionary and new, the conclusion drawn absolutely is not. In his book Zhuan Falun, Mr. Li Hongzhi has described the nature of consciousness as such: "Today, those who study the human body have discovered that our human mind activities or human thoughts can generate a substance. At a very high level, we have found that it is indeed a substance, but this substance is not in the form of the brain waves as we have discovered in research today. Instead, it is in the form of a complete human brain." We can not help but digress on another statement made by Mr. Li, that " ... As a human being, you are a good person only if you can follow this universe's characteristic of Zhen-Shan-Ren. A person who deviates from this characteristic is truly a bad person." This moral motto sounds simple yet clear, and should not be overlooked anymore than the water crystal pictures displayed here should be.
From benevolence (Shan) love, beauty, gratefulness, understanding, generosities, assistance, sympathy, and the like can be generated. Aren't the crystals showing us that if we assimilate to the universe's principle of truthfulness-benevolence-compassion (Zhen-Shan-Ren), we will obtain supreme harmony and happiness, otherwise we will have negative manifestations such as agony and ugliness.
In the last few minutes, let us enter the world of wonder that crystals can bring us to by taking a quick look at these experiments.
In these experiments, water was shown the words "Wisdom," "Cosmos," and "Love/Thanks" in each of these languages; Japanese, English and German. The original water used was refined water of the same standard. As a result the crystals formed, despite the differences in language, were similar in shape.
Wisdom (Japanese/English/German)

(D-1) Crystal after reading
"Wisdom" in Japanese
(D-2) Crystal after reading "Wisdom" in English
(D-3) Crystal after reading
"Wisdom" in German
They all look quite similar. The dark void in the center part is the same.
Cosmos (Japanese/English/Greek)

(D-4) Crystal after reading
"Cosmos" in Japanese
(D-5) Crystal after reading "Cosmos" in English
(D-6) Crystal after reading
"Cosmos" in Greek
Love/Thanks (English/Japanese/German)

(D-7) Crystal after reading"Love/Thanks" in English
(D-8) Crystal after reading"Love/Thanks" in Japanese
(D-9) Crystal after reading"Love/Thanks" in German
Master Li stated in Zhuan Falun, "A thought generated by the human brain is a substance." He clearly pointed out that "The actual messages from the human brain are not a function of the human brain itself-they are not generated by the brain, but by one's Primordial Spirit......If a human body does not have the Primordial Spirit and things such as temperament, character, and personality, it is only a piece of meat and not a complete person with individuality. So what functions does the human brain have? As I see it, in the form of this physical dimension, the human brain is only a processing factory. The actual message is sent forth by the Primordial Spirit. What is transmitted, however, is not language, but a message of the universe that represents a certain meaning. Upon receiving such a command, our brains will process this into our present language or other such forms of expression; we express it through hand gesturing, eye contact, and complete movement. The brain has only this effect. The actual commands and thoughts come from one's Primordial Spirit." Water crystals clearly demonstrate that even though a word with the same meaning is written differently in different languages, what water see is precisely the essence of the word that is also alive and therefore can naturally reflects the word in similar shapes.
Dr Emoto writes in the conclusion of his report, "Evaluating water by taking pictures of water crystals is a new approach that comes from a completely different viewpoint than that of the usual conventional scientific analysis and evaluation methods. What we learned from these experiments is that we do not know anything about water. More questions and issues pile up one after another."
Hence, he asks sharply, "Does water come from the universe?" He then answers himself forthrightly, "Let's start with questions about the water that exists on earth. Why does water exist? The origin of water used to be wrapped in mystery. As the space probes advance, it has already been confirmed that water exists on Mars. We are starting to understand that water is not unique to earth but exists all over space." "Everyone knows that life cannot be generated without water. If the origin of life, i.e., water is from space, then we can assume that human beings, are supposed to be extraterrestrial." "If this fact is recognized, then the origin of human beings, Darwin's theory of evolution, and other theories about earth and life's history will be completely changed." "Space is too big for humans and it is an unimaginable entity. The truth of the matter is that, by researching water more deeply, we may be able to understand more about space. Just the thought is so exciting."
In a lecture given by Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa, Mr. Li answered one of his student's questions about the origin of life as follows: "I can tell you what is the origin of matter and life that exist in the different realms inside this celestial body of ours. Actually, the origin of matter is water. But the water that is the origin of the universe is not the earthly water of ordinary people."
"At different levels there exist different origins of matter, which is to say different waters as origins of matter. The higher the level, the higher the density of that water. It forms different particles, different waters, and different lives in different spaces."
"The universe that we can understand is composed of water." (Lectures in the United States)
Water, life, space and the characteristics of Zhen-Shan-Ren: what is the actual relationship between them? To find a better answer for yourself, I sincerely invite you to read the collections of writings of Falun Dafa.
(Reprinted from Pureinsight)