Maria Vamvakinou, M.H.R.


The Hon. Alexander Downer MP

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Commonwealth Parliament Offices

100 King Street


6th Feburary 2002

Dear Minister,

I write in relation to continuing concerns on the treatment of Falun Gong practitioners in the People's Republic of China.

My office is further informed that the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Embassy in Beijing have raised concerns with Chinese Government officials over discriminatory practises against people in this group.

There are also reports of Chinese Government officials' activities within Australia in relation to harassment of Falun Gong practitioners, which is also an area of concern.

I would appreciate information relating to the Australian Government's actions in relation to apparent breaches of human rights by the Chinese Government.

I would urge the Australian Government to join other leading Western nations to call on the Chinese Government to cease discriminatory practises against Falun Gong practitioners

I thank you in advance for your assistance


Maria Vamvakinou MP

Federal Member for Calwell