What is my age?
I am three years old.
Three years ago I opened Zhuan Falun
Opening my eyes, emerging, awakening slowly
Three years ago.
I am three years old -- my potential age is ten.
Ten years ago, one opened the secret in his heart
And gave it to the people freely.
Possibly, I could have heard the Fa for myself
Ten years ago. My potential age is ten.
Thirty eight years ago
My skin emerged, housing my consciousness
Like a yolk inside an egg I waited
Still at that time a finger stirred my soul
Spoke to my yuanshen
"Wait for it... wait for it..."
Wandering in a maze
Cannot be called a steadfast journey
So only I wandered and waited.
My pedestrian age is thirty eight.
Twelve thousand years ago
In a quiet corner
The Finest Beings met with One
Heard a tale and made a pact
Committing their hearts to a sacred mission.
The clock of Rectifying
Began ticking then.
Twelve thousand are the years of my Fa age.
Before that, before then...
I cannot say.
What is my race?
The passport says American
But a passport is paper;
Africa has a relationship;
And my true eye shows a different mirror.
My heart always looked beyond
Always looked beyond.
I always looked, not seeing
Not knowing, but knew.
Reading Zhuan Falun is seeing
Reading Zhuan Falun is knowing.
Race is nothing -- Origin is the truth.
What is truth? Zhen Shan Ren.
Where do I stand?
My feet bestride the dust
My head brushes the sky
But my body, my body
My body entangles the cosmos
Layer on layer
Level to level
Particles and molecules
And more, and more ...
Openly displayed -- wide and clear
Clear and clean
Interconnected, entwined, predestined.
One layer explodes, a thousand burst forth
Fashioned anew from karmic transformation
The lifetime of a star
Less than a teardrop.
Hot reveals cold, cold burns eternal
-- that man you see, thinking upside down
How hopeless, but you handed him a book!
"Read it again," you said.
He read it again for the first time
A layer exploded, a thousand burst forth
Each particle is time, so what is my Age?
Pedestrian to Fa, Skin to Cosmos
Dust into Stars, Galaxies evolve Eons
No language can speak, no lexicon has meaning;
Abandoned definitions reveal the cage
You stepped out of.
Each shimmering light is a new universe
Each universe a boundary to be transcended
A TYRANT tries to judge it
A tyrant tries to rule it
A tyrant tries to bind it.
Can you grab water with your fingers?
Can you snare brightness in a sack?
Can you hold lightness in a cage?
Can you contain virtue with your ugly stare?
What Fa will the frog judge, rule, bind?
He has only jealousy, rage
Blindness and death.
He has only lies
With which to prop an empire.
I will not lift a fist, not to fight nor to defend -
But with every age I am, I will rectify.
I will indeed lift my hand
To restore the reputation
Of Teacher and Taught
Of Rule and Law
Of Principle and Practice
Every particle I have is a Forever to shine forth -- Rectification
Zhen Shan Ren.
I will indeed lift a hand
Not to strike a blow
But to shine forth
To fulfill a vow.
To not curse a Tyrant
Is to make no Enemy.
WE do not hate You.
But neither is there any fear.
Only is there pity
And you cannot abide Compassion
And you cannot endure Tolerance
And you cannot exist in Truth
And Truth there must be
For truth is in everything.
With each lie you tell, Our truth rises
For each blow you blow, Our forbearance emerges
For each crime you commit, Our compassion encompasses
Thus you find us undefeated.
Legs folded, eyes closed
You are undone.
No sadness, no celebration.
It simply Is.
Every age I am will rectify
Every level I hold will rectify
Every particle I entwine will rectify
Every moment in the Cosmos.... It simply Is.
Category: Journeys of Cultivation