1. Experience Sharing Conference
The first Indonesia Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was successfully held in Jakarta on March 2 and 3, 2002. 700 practitioners from Indonesia, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, South Korea, United States and Sweden attended the conference. Over ten practitioners shared their experiences. Several non-Chinese Indonesian practitioners from various cultural and religious backgrounds spoke about how they benefited in mind and body from cultivation of Falun Dafa.
2. Hongfa and practicing by the fountain outside Bundaran Hotel

3. Parade

At 1 p.m., practitioners gather at Memorial Plaza and send forth righteous thoughts before the parade.

The Indonesian practitioners with Zhen-Shan-Ren scarves took a 12-hour ferry and then a 24-hour bus ride to attend the conference.

This practitioner is from the island of Bali. The number of practitioners in Bali has been increasing very fast. Every time they practice someone new will join. In less than one year, the number has grown to about 1,000 practitioners on the island.

Parade procession.
Practitioners all felt that it was a very successful experience sharing conference.