
According to reports from the Central News Agency on February 2, ever since the World Economic Forum opened last Thursday in New York, it had been cloudy and drizzly for two days. The temperature had dropped sharply, and severe winter weather returned. However, Falun Gong practitioners continued to appear outside the conference site to draw the attention of the participants of the WEF to the persecution in China.

It was reported that on Friday, Falun Gong practitioners were organized into two groups. About 100 practitioners from Taiwan, wearing golden scarves, continued to do the exercises peacefully outside the Waldorf Hotel, the main conference site. Meanwhile, at the Hilton Hotel several blocks away, about 1,500 Falun Gong practitioners held an Experience Sharing Conference all day long.

A practitioner demonstrating the exercises told reporters that they did not intend to disturb the World Economic Forum. They simply hoped to demonstrate the peaceful exercise to the conference attendees from various countries and to the international media, and raise their awareness about the illegal persecution of Falun Gong in China.

Saturday was the third day of the World Economic Forum, and it was sunny. A lot of people representing a number of different organizations poured into the streets of New York to protest, and make their groups' various positions known during the Forum. Falun Gong practitioners continued to quietly demonstrate the peaceful exercises, which provided a reassuring oasis of calm to the police in the midst of so much activity.