(Clearwisdom.net) On Saturday, January 26, after spreading the Fa and exposing evil in Augsburg, practitioners from southern Germany and Austria went to the Chinese Embassy in Munich about 100 kilometers away. They gathered to send forth righteous thoughts together with Dafa practitioners worldwide to eliminate the evil forces.

The Chinese Embassy is the representative of Jiang's regime overseas, reaching out to spread the evil persecution against Dafa. Those practitioners with their Tianmu open can see that in other dimensions, the embassies are also key places where evil forces gather.
In order to eliminate the evil, we shall send forth righteous thoughts day after day. The Chinese Embassy is the most efficient place to eliminate the evil forces that are still persecuting Dafa practitioners in China. The number of people being tortured to death continues to increase at an alarming rate. We shall certainly go to the Chinese Embassy to call for the persecution to be stopped.
In Munich, a battle between justice and evil is ongoing in our human dimension. Because of interference from the embassy, our activities of sending forth righteous thoughts initially could not be staged directly across from the Chinese Embassy. The more fearful the evil forces become when they have to face us, the more directly we shall face them to eliminate them. With practitioners' righteous thoughts and ongoing efforts, we got permission to conduct our activities right across from the front entrance of the Chinese Embassy.
On Saturday, January 26, when we arrived at the Chinese Embassy, a staff member from the embassy tried to press the German police on duty to force us to leave. The officer on duty ignored their trouble making, and the staff member had to return to the embassy.
Practitioners hung up banners with words such as "Falun Gong" and "SOS! Stop the Murders in China." They held a candlelight vigil and displayed photographs of those practitioners who were murdered by Jiang's regime. Many passersby came to shake hands with us and encouraged us to remain steadfast. It was close to the time for practitioners all over the world to send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil. Practitioners first cleared out their bad thoughts, karma, any bad concepts in their minds, and all interference from outside. Suddenly, it was very still with anticipation, as we were just waiting for the moment to arrive. When the time came, along with reciting the words for sending forth righteous thoughts, practitioners' bodies heated up. When they made the hand gestures, their palms felt very hot with powerful energy coming out to eliminate the evil.
Teacher said, "When this evil sees that it's going to be eliminated it runs totally rampant" ("Teaching the Fa at the 2001 Canada Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference") Eliminating the evil is not a formality, but a true battle between righteousness and evil. Especially after the first three times when practitioners all over the world sent forth righteous thoughts at the same time to eliminate the evil, I felt exhausted and had bumps on my skin from being bitten by those evil beings. However, I was not afraid. My true thoughts were, "For Teacher, for Dafa, and for the practitioners being persecuted inside China, I am willing to sacrifice everything to completely eliminate the evil." I had firmer righteous thoughts and more powerful energy, and the evil could hardly defend itself, let alone fight back.
However, the evil has not yet been completely eliminated. Teacher said, "All those who remain and that can persecute Dafa and Dafa disciples are due to our students themselves. Students who haven't taken sending forth the righteous thoughts seriously: the evil in the dimensions that you are supposed to shoulder and be responsible for has not been eliminated. That's the cause. So you must take sending forth the righteous thoughts seriously. No matter whether you think you have the ability or not, you should do it." ("Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A.") Practitioners all wish to help reduce the persecution against practitioners in China. However, if it is because we haven't paid attention to sending forth the righteous thoughts that the practitioners in China have continued to be persecuted, then the responsibility is very great. We practitioners should all examine ourselves to see whether we have completely eliminated the evil in the dimensions that we are responsible for.
As long as the evil is not eliminated completely, we will still come to the front of the Chinese Embassy every week and send forth the righteous thoughts with practitioners all over the world. Wherever the evil forces gather will be our front line to eliminate the evil.
Category: Rallies & Protests