Nov 21, 2002

(Clearwisdom) WASHINGTON - The United States on Thursday called for a "predictable, transparent and fair" system in Hong Kong, in a critique of a proposed anti-subversion law that critics have warned could have a chilling effect on freedom of expression.

"We have been carefully following the debate on Article 23 of the Basic Law. The Hong Kong people and the international community have raised serious concerns about the proposed legislation," State Department deputy spokesman Philip Reeker said.

The controversial legislation -- which opponents say is being rammed through at China's behest -- is due to be enacted after a three-month consultation exercise ends December 24.


Human-rights and pro-democracy groups fear that China could use the new law to suppress freedoms including those of media, speech and religion, as well as to ban groups it considers a threat.

Reeker said Washington had been encouraged that Hong Kong had listened to criticism of the proposed law and said the United States joined other states in encouraging a predictable, transparent and fair system in Hong Kong to allow its people to enjoy the freedoms that had made the former British colony a "international city with its own unique character."

But he said that ultimately a "democratically elected government, answerable to the will of the people, is the best way to ensure the protection of fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong."

The World Association of Newspapers on Wednesday expressed vehement opposition to Hong Kong's proposed anti-subversion law and warned it could have a "chilling" effect on freedom of expression.

In letters to Hong Kong Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa and Security Secretary Regina Ip, the Paris-based association said residents and news organisations in the territory could be strictly muzzled by the proposal.

The regulations "will give excessive weight to national security at the expense of civil liberties, especially press freedom and freedom of speech," the group said.