(Clearwisdom.net) One of my business customer's invited me to attend his wedding. It is said that it would be a great ceremony with over 400 people in attendance. A practitioner immediately realized it would be a very good opportunity to promote Dafa. But how would we do it? After some discussion, we came to the idea that we could introduce Dafa through dance and singing performances. This way, we could promote Dafa in a form that would be easier for people to accept in that situation.

As expected, many people came on the day of the wedding and the banquet hall was packed. After the regular wedding ceremony, such as greetings from family members and guests, practitioners had changed into their performance costumes. When the host announced our performance, three female practitioners in beautiful traditional Chinese costumes came onto the stage. First practitioners told the audience that they are Falun Gong practitioners and gave a brief introduction of Falun Gong. Then accompanied by melodious music, practitioners danced "Walking among heaven and earth." Their elegant performance attracted everyone's attention. Their performance won warm applause from the audience. Then practitioners sang the song "Falun Dafa is Good." Again their performance won warm responses.
After the performance the guests came over to the practitioners to express their appreciation of the wonderful program practitioners brought and wished to have other opportunities to see their performance. Practitioners were very happy for their positive attitude toward Falun Dafa.
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Category: Parades & Other Community Events