
Recently, CCTV has continuously broadcasted murder cases to frame and generate excuses for further persecuting Falun Gong. However, one after another, people inside China and abroad are pointing to the absurdity of these false charges. The support and praise for Falun Dafa from the international community and media especially has made Jiang Zemin and Luo Gan's political gang feel besieged from all sides. They are terrified of people in China knowing the truth from watching international TV programs. In an attempt to further fool and deceive people, recently all neighborhoods in Beijing were searched house by house and all TV satellite dishes were forcibly removed, causing strong protests from Beijing residents.

Analysts are pointing out that Jiang Zemin and Luo Gan cannot cover their political schemes, but in their attempts to do so, they make the facts more obvious while making themselves appear more absurd and laughable.