Maybe now you've experienced how hard cultivation is. Because it's hard, your cultivation can meet with success. Many people in history sought the Dao--they wanted to cultivate, to reach Consummation, and to go beyond the human cycle of death and rebirth. But it was very hard. There's absolutely no way a person can reach Consummation if he doesn't go through arduous cultivation to get rid of every kind of attachment he's developed among everyday people.
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Mr. Li Changjun, single, born in Suizhou City of Hubei Province in 1968, was tortured to death by the Public Security Office of Suizhou City on June 26, 2001.

Wang Lixin, 36 years old, lived at #43, Building No. 21, Anshun Residential Compound, Beishan Street, Jilin City.
On November 27, 2000 he was reported to the police for printing Dafa materials. He was then illegally arrested by the Linjiang police and sent to a labor camp, where on December 5, he was beaten to death.

[Clearwisdom Net] When we learned that policemen from Baiguo Township tortured four practitioners to death, several practitioners decided to go there to clarify the truth and eliminate the evil in other dimensions. In the evening of July 6, as four of us were distributing truth-clarifying literature, we were spotted by the local police. Several policemen started to beat us brutally right there on the side of the road. Three policemen held practitioner Xie to the ground, punching and kicking him ...
Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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