Fig. The council of Edison unanimously passed Resolution 461, which supports Falun Gong practitioners and condemns the Jiang Zemin government's severe and cruel methods of persecution.
From the left: Councilman Charles Tomaro, Councilman William Stephens, Councilman William Kruczak, Vice Council President Antonia Ricigliano, and Council President Anthony Massaro
The Government and Citizens of Edison, NJ Strongly Call on the Sister City of Shijiazhuang to Stop the Large Scale Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
Excerpted speeches of Council members of Edison as the "Resolution supporting Falun Gong members, and condemning the harsh, brutal and repressive practices of the Chinese Government" was passed:
1. Speech of Councilman Charles Tomaro
In November 2000, Falun Gong came to this council and asked for support of their practice through a resolution. Through that period they went to over 100 towns and sent resolutions to China supporting Falun Gong.
Now we are here today sending another resolution speaking out about the brutality and what's going on to the people who practice Falun Gong in China.
Though most of us didn't grow up during World War II, nearly all of us read about World War II in our history books when we were in high school. Many of us watched the history channel of what happened to the Jews, the gypsies, and the Catholics, in Nazi Germany. It is now 2001 and in another country people are still being persecuted for their beliefs. We grew up in this country with freedoms that our ancestors died for, and it's such a great country because of that. Nobody should suffer because of what they believe in.
I support this resolution along with our council members, and hopefully this message will get to our sister city in China.
2. Speech of Councilman William Stephens
I think this resolution is significant because these atrocities are happening in our sister city. I also think as quick as we are to run to the aid of our sister we have to be just as quick to tell our sister or brother when you are doing something wrong.
So I think that we owe it to everybody to at least reach out to say we do not approve of this type of treatment and I for one would sever, if it continues, this relationship with that sister. I think it's important to let people know that we do not approve of people in any place being treated in such a manner.
3. Speech from Council Vice President Antonia Ricigliano
Back in the early sixties I was a young mother, and I watched with dismay what happened down South. Many of us knew about these atrocities, but for the first time they were reviewed on TV. I raised my children as my parents raised my brothers and me. We all deserve to be protected, and we have to protect each other, we don't need to wait for the government to do it.
I hope that all of us have that deep sense of faith and loyalty toward fellow human beings. I support this resolution.
Category: Rallies & Protests