The 2001 Nordic Falun Dafa Conference was held in Gothenburg, Sweden on June 17. 600 practitioners attended the conference.
Before the conference started, ten practitioners demonstrated the five sets of exercises, among them five little disciples demonstrated the sitting meditation. After that, practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts together and eliminated the evil.
Eleven practitioners from Czechoslovakia, UK, Sweden, Germany, Ireland, and Switzerland gave presentations. Among them, the nine-year old little disciple Shan Shan from the UK talked about his experience of following the Master closely, eradicating the evil, and improving himself during the Fa rectification.
After the presentations, six practitioners came to the stage to recite Lunyu in six different languages. Once again, all the practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts to assist the Master in eradicating the evil and rectifying the Fa.
Before the conference ended, we received the congratulation letter from our most respected and most compassionate Master. Furthermore, we felt that Master is waiting with immense compassion, waiting for disciples to keep up with the Fa rectification, waiting for disciples to let go of their fundamental human attachment and reach Consummation.

After the conference, all the practitioners did group practice and sent forth righteous thoughts in the city square.
Category: April 25 Events