THE GOVERNMENT OFFICEáááááááááááá 2001-12-03áááááááááááá SB2001/10770
The Prime Minister's Office
Political Expert
Anders Ekman
Hello XX
Thank you for your letter. Prime Minister G ran Persson asked me to reply.
The Swedish Government can never agree to the persecution against those people who uphold their beliefs or have different political views. It is our common responsibility to stand up and fight for religious freedom and human rights.
The Swedish government has expressed its positions on several occasions against the ill-treatment of Falun Gong practitioners in China. We have made our positions clear by communicating with the Chinese Government in direct dialogue, and urging and taking a lead within the European Union. Please be assured that this Government will continue to pay attention to the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China. Wherever human dignity is being violated, we must defend and restore it.
Yours sincerely,
Anders Ekman
Category: Voices of Support Worldwide