On October 23, the City Council of Elizabeth, NJ unanimously passed a resolution in support of Falun Dafa which condemns the brutal and repressive practices of the Chinese government, and states that the Chinese government's actions against Falun Dafa practitioners are a severe violation of human rights and civil liberties. It also calls for the release of all jailed Dafa practitioners. Certified copies of the resolution were forwarded to President Bush, Secretary of State Colin Powell, the New Jersey House of Representatives and Senators, as well as the Chinese Embassy and Consulate Generals, and Mayors of New Jersey's sister cities in China.
In his speech, a representative of Falun Gong expressed the practitioners' appreciation for the City Councils' actions of upholding justice and condemning the evils. A practitioner also briefed the council about the State Terrorism against Dafa practitioners by the Chinese government. He briefly explained Dafa's effects in improving health and elevating moral standards, and updated the council about efforts to clarify the truth about Falun Gong in Elizabeth.

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