The government of Jinzhou District of the city of Dalian usually sent Dafa practitioners who went to Beijing for appeal directly to the Criminal Police Division. The police at the criminal division then tortured practitioners, both physically and mentally. They didn't allow practitioners to sleep or eat for several days. Some male practitioners were beaten so severely that their faces were hideously deformed. On top of the insult and abuse, those inhuman creatures even fined everyone 10,000 Yuan [about US$1,200]. When they took away practitioners who were validating the truth about Falun Dafa, or distributing truth material, they would immediately search the homes of practitioners illegally. The police in the Criminal Police Division not only beat practitioners brutally but also verbally abused them with mean and vicious language.
Some Dafa practitioners enlightened that they should not cooperate with these evil people, therefore about 20 female practitioners started a hunger strike and requested the return of their Falun Dafa books which had been confiscated, as well as the right to study the Fa and practicing the exercises. The chief of the detention center by the surname of Du brought many guards to force-feed these practitioners. When they were feeding a practitioner, other practitioners told Du that this practitioner has undergone three major operations to her lungs and stomach. Du stomped with fury and shouted to the guards: "Feed! Feed! Feed! It serves her right if she dies!" They pinned down this weak practitioner and force-fed her cruelly and ruthlessly. She fainted as soon as they took out the long tube from her stomach. Her limbs were icy-cold, her face turned a blue color, and foam was coming from her mouth. Du didn't care at all. The fellow practitioners propped her up slowly and embraced her. She regained consciousness after half an hour.
For several days, the evil thugs had been purposely adding large amounts of salt to the porridge that they were feeding to a practitioner. As a result, this practitioner's body became numb and hard, and the four limbs became icy-cold. He was in a lethargic sleep all day. Some practitioners were put in restraints [instruments] for more than one week while being force-fed. The sound of vomiting was heard all over the detention center and shook people.
The guards said many times during the hunger strike: "Higher officials have ordered 'no release once arrested'. There are only two possible outcomes to your hunger strike: one is being sent to labor camps, the other is being covered with the white sheet and carried out [meaning that you died]."
There are about 60 practitioners in Jinzhou Detention Center. These Dafa practitioners have to start heavy labor before dawn everyday.
Practitioners From the Development District of Dalian Hang Banners Along the Main Streets
Practitioners from the Development District of Dalian had made 44 pieces of banners, which they had hung along the main traffic roads and shopping boulevards. They unfolded the dignity of Dafa in front of the eyes of the people. On these banners were written: "Falun Dafa is Good!" "Return the Clean Reputation of Dafa!" "Falun Buddha Law"; "The Fa is Rectifying the Heavens and the Earth", "The Fa is Rectifying the Human World".
The List of Practitioners Persecuted in Minhe Village and Nanshan Village of Jinzhou District
Xie Min and Chen Chunmei, went to Beijing in February 2000, arrested and has been detained illegally for 15 daysd
Shi Zhiying, Wang Chunhua and Wang Shusong, went to Beijing in March 2000, were arrested in Jinzhou Train Station and had been detained illegally for 15 days.
Chen Haibin, went to Beijing in October 1999, was arrested and had been detained illegally for 45 days.
Wang Guiying, went to Beijing, was arrested half way there and had been detained illegally for 15 days.
Practitioner Bao, was arrested at Tangwangdian in May 2000, and had been detained illegally for 15 days.
Practitioner Liu, went to Beijing in October 2000, now is detained in Jinzhou Detention Center. We don't know the circumstances.
Practitioner Zhang and Xu, went to Beijing in October 1999, had been detained illegally for 15 days.
Practitioners Cui (a couple) and Practitioner Luu, went to Beijing in October 2000, now are detained in Jinzhou Detention Center. Her current circumstances are unknown.
Wang Lian, had been detained three times: in August, September and October 1999. Now she has been sentenced to two and half years in Masanjia Labor Camp. Her current circumstances are unknown.
Wang Long'e, was taken away from her home in October 1999, and was sentenced to one year in a labor camp. She was released in June 2000, and went to Beijing again in October. She was arrested again. There is no information on her whereabouts. Her family was not notified by the police.
Wang Chuang, went to Beijing in August 1999, was arrested on the way back, and had been detained for 15 days. He went to Beijing again in October 1999, and was sentenced to one year in a labor camp. He was released in August 2000. He then went to Beijing again in October. Now he is detained in Jinzhou Detention Center.
Zhao Fei had been detained illegally for 15 days because of practicing Falun Dafa in public. He was arrested from home in October 1999, and sentenced to one year in a labor camp. Now the end of his term is long overdue, but he is still being detained in Dalian Detention Center.
Sun Bin, arrested in August 1999 after he went to Beijing, had been illegally detained for 15 days. In September, he had been detained another 15 days for practicing Falun Dafa in public. He went to Beijng in October 2000. Now he is detained in Jinzhou Detention Center.
Cong Jinrong was arrested in March 2000 because of practicing Falun Dafa in public. She had been detained illegally for 15 days. In May, she was arrested again, at Tangwangdian, and detained illegally for another 15 days. She was arrested a third time in July 2000, this time from home. Now she is detained in Masanjia Labor Camp, also known as the worst concentration camp on earth.
Duan Lili, had been detained for 15 days because of practicing Falun Dafa in public in August 1999. She went to Beijing in October 2000; now she is detained in Jinzhou Detention Center.
Zhang Yongju, was arrested in October 1999 after she went to Beijing to appeal. She had been illegally detained for 15 days. She went back to Beijing in October 2000. Now she is detained in Jinzhou Detention Center.
Shi Zhichao was arrested and detained for 15 days in October 1999, after he went to Beijing to appeal.
Xia Xianglan was arrested at Tangwangdian in May 2000. She had been detained for 15 days. She went to Beijing again to appeal in October 2000. Now she is detained in Jinzhou Detention Center.
Pan Deting, Shi Guangrong, Zhang Yan and Han Xiaoxia were arrested in October 2000 after they went to Beijing to appeal. Now they are detained in Jinzhou Detention Center. .
Sun Dexi was arrested in October 1999, had been detained 15 days, and arrested again in October 2000 after he went to Beijing to appeal. Now he is detained in Jinzhou Detention Center.
Zhang Xiuxiang, had been detained for 15 days because of practicing Falun Dafa in public in March 2000.
Liu Yuqin, had been illegally detained 15 days because of practicing Falun Dafa in public in March 2000, and had been illegally detained another 15 days at Tangwangdian.
Zhang Lianxiang was arrested at her work unit in March 2000. She had been illegally detained 15 days. After that, she was again illegally arrested again at her work unit in August 2000 and had been detained illegally in Dalian Drug Rehabilitation Center 15 days.
December 28, 2000