On May 13, as Falun Dafa practitioners all over the world were celebrating the first "World Falun Dafa Day", over one hundred German Falun Dafa practitioners gathered in the Capital, Berlin, and Frankfort, to celebrate this special and splendid holiday of life.
On the early morning of May 13, the practitioners from the northern part of Germany came to the extremely crowded center of Berlin, the Memorial Church Square. They hung up the colored banners of "World Falun Dafa Day", "Falun Gong", "Falun Dafa" and "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance", and many colorful balloons. A basket of carefully selected flowers was placed on the information table to celebrate the Teacher's birthday. The cultivation experience articles, pictures of promoting Falun Dafa from all over the world and the exercise demo attracted passing tourists. They stopped, watched and asked questions. Many people asked for Falun Dafa material. Interested people just sat down at the reading table and read the Falun Dafa books . A female doctor had just bought two books on supernormal capabilities from a bookstore and walked to the square. She stood by the information table and did not want to leave. When a practitioner introduced Falun Gong to her, tears came and she expressed a desire to learn Falun Gong immediately. Then she said that she would return. When she came back, she had returned the two books on supernormal capabilities. Another lady who was visiting Berlin, from another city, was very excited when watching the practitioners doing the exercises. She said that she had been searching for Falun Gong for a long time and she finally found it today. A police officer in charge of the safety of the square sat in his car and read a Falun Gong book.
That day tourists were all over the square. The practitioners demonstrated the exercises until dusk. When the celebration activities were over, the practitioners cleaned up the square before leaving. The police were deeply impressed by the movements and words of the practitioners. A policeman finally asked, "do you only hold this kind of celebration once a year? We would be very glad if you could come often and hold activities. Maybe I could learn how to practice Falun Gong."
May 18, 2000

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Category: Dafa Day Celebrations