Reply from a Swedish Member of Parliament
We share your concern and worry about the situation of Falun Gong practitioners in China. The latest mass arrest of the practitioners in China is yet another serious violation of human rights.
China's increasing economical freedom is welcomed, but it stands in contrast against the situation of human rights.
Foreign Minister Anna Lindh has commented on the situation of followers of the Falun Gong movement in parliament:
"The treatment of followers of the Falun Gong movement in China means in many cases serious violations of human rights. A large number of people have been arrested, and we have received reports on how they were beaten in custody and police stations. Heavy sentences have been passed to a number of representatives of the movement, obviously on political grounds.
Without taking sides regarding Falun Gong teachings, the Swedish Government has marked its disassociation towards the treatment that these practitioners have been subjected to. We have done this both by direct conversation and contacts with the Chinese Government, and through attendance and speech in the EU.
We have repeatedly made it clear on many occasions for leaders of China, both in our bilateral contacts and within EU, that we shall continue to watch closely the treatment of the Falun Gong practitioners. We shall continue to call attention upon the crimes against human rights of the Falun Gong practitioners as well as to others when such crimes are committed."
Best regards
Anita Johansson
19 October 2000
(Translated from Swedish)
An Open Letter to the Foreign Minister of Sweden from a practitioner
December 1st. 2000
To Mrs Anna Lindh,
We are writing to you to appeal for millions of people in China. These people are right now being forced to endure the most horrible, inhuman treatment with persecution, threats, harassment, arrests, assaults and torture. Families are shattered and even children are being assaulted.
What crime have they committed to deserve this treatment by Chinese leader Jiang Zemin?
They are Falun Gong-practitioners whose aim is to be unselfish, kind-hearted human beings who try to live according to the principle of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance in all situations. To be a good person, should that be considered a crime?
During almost a year and a half these people have been exposed to evil and brutality, but not once has any practitioner used violence or verbal abuse in return. Our teacher, Li Hongzhi, teaches us "Others may treat us badly but we can not treat others badly". They have endured without hatred in their hearts and peacefully appealed over and over again to the Chinese government to be allowed to explain what Falun Gong is and to have the right to practise. They have appealed to get their human rights back.
Jiang Zemin has declared that Falun Gong should be eliminated and that the persecution of Falun Gong should also be intensified overseas. This issue is no longer something that effects only China. Over 100 million people practise Falun Gong around the world. How many are affected when you consider family members, relatives, friend etc.?
Jiang Zemin has already started this elimination and about 90 persons have been tortured to death, with the number increasing every week. Millions of people suffer terribly. When is this going to end? That evil is allowed to rule like this in our world, isn't that frightening? Evil has ruled before in history while the rest of the world has been silent. It is easy to be wise after the event, but then it is too late. The rest of the world must take responsibility and act now to put an end to this. Show them that we do not accept this behaviour. That is our duty towards all humankind.
We know that you have worked hard for Human Rights, which is very honourable. Now you have another chance to show your kind heart. Therefore we appeal to you to make an open statement in which you condemn Jiang Zemin's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. We ask you to do everything within your power as a politician to stop the evil that is being done to these kind-hearted people.
We hope that Sweden, in the position of chairman at the European Union from January first 2001, will give this matter the highest priority.
It is today that we can create a future world in peace and freedom.
Best regards
Malin Nordstrand
Reply from the Swedish Foreign Minister to Parliament Member about the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
Question 2000/01:249 from Per Landgren about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China
Per Landgren has asked me what the government can do to stop the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and to acknowledge their human rights and allow them to practice their exercises.
The campaign that the Chinese Government has pursued against Falun Gong for more than a year has led to extensive violations of human rights. People have been arrested and severely assaulted, and a large number of imprisoned members are reported to have died in detention.
We have urged the Chinese Government to stop these serious violations of Falun Gong followers' human rights. This has taken place in direct discussions with the Chinese Government, both bilaterally and within the EU's dialogue about human rights as well as the statements among others of the United Nations.
We have also taken up other cases: religious leaders, representatives of various minorities and democracy activists that have received long prison sentences. We have made it clear that we will continue to monitor carefully the treatment of Falun Gong practitioners in China and call attention to the authorities' violations of Falun Gong practitioners' and other groups' human rights.
6 December 2000
Anna Lindh
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Category: Voices of Support Worldwide