Under Jiang Zemin's brutal persecution, the basic human rights of Falun Gong practitioners in Hong Kong have also been violated. On noon of November 17, more than 100 local practitioners went to Hong Kong Special District government headquarters to submit a petition letter to Chief Executive Dong Jianhua and Civil Affairs Department Executive Chen Fang Anshen. The letter urged the Hong Kong government to pay attention to the repression and unfair treatment of Hong Kong Falun Dafa practitioners in the past year, and requested the government to protect their basic rights. The following is the petition letter.
To Hong Kong Special District Chief Executive Mr. Dong Jianhua and Civil Affair Executive Ms. Chen Fang Anshen
Your Excellency Mr. Dong Jianhua and Ms. Chen Fang Anshen:
As the brutal persecution against Falun Dafa in Mainland China launched by Jiang Zemin and a few other Chinese government leaders escalates, Hong Kong practitioners' basic human rights have also been violated. Today we report three specific violations to your Excellence.
A. Hong Kong Falun Dafa practitioner Zhu Keming was arrested because he initiated a law suit against Jiang Zemin. Currently he is missing, and is most likely detained. We have previously requested the Special District Government to help rescue Mr. Zhu. We appreciate the efforts already made by the government of the Special District. However, we regret to say that until now we have not obtained any substantial reply regarding the current situation of Mr. Zhu. Today we sincerely request again that your Excellence pay attention to the critical situation of Mr. Zhu and the charges against him by the Chinese Government. According to Section 41 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, China's judicial system is responsible for conducting investigations according to the peoples' requests, and nobody is allowed to repress or retaliate against them. Zhu's allegations against Jiang Zemin are legitimate, and should be protected by the Constitution. We firmly believe that Mr. Zhu Keming is innocent.
B. Some Hong Kong practitioners' papers allowing return to Mainland China have been confiscated, and others' applications to enter China were denied. Since November 1999, more than 30 Hong Kong practitioners' travel documents have been confiscated when they were in Mainland China to appeal peacefully, to practice normally, and to have experience sharing activities with others legally. Several were also rejected at the Chinese border because they participated in Falun Dafa activities in Hong Kong (Attachment 1, omitted).
C. Hong Kong Falun Dafa practitioners encountered many difficulties in renting public spaces. Some commercial offices and public affairs offices evaded us or even flatly refused to rent us a location for Dafa activities (Attachment 2, omitted).
Some people thought we were involved in politics, they said, "Why don't you just practice? Why do you petition and distribute flyers?" In fact, before the Chinese Government illegally banned Falun Gong, we just cultivated quietly, and not many people knew Falun Dafa in Hong Kong. But in the past year, more than 80 practitioners have been tortured to death in China, tens of thousands of practitioners were sentenced to jails and even sent to mental hospitals, suffering from inhuman treatmentwe must help them. Remaining silent is the same as approving of this evil. Who with true conscience would not say a word for justice after seeing the truth?
Falun Dafa can bring people health of body and mind, and raise one's moral standards. It is only beneficial and will not do any harm to society or to government. It has been recognized and honored by many governments and non-government organizations around the world, and was also praised by the Chinese Government before the crackdown. Genuine Falun Dafa practitioners conduct themselves according to "truthfulness, benevolence, and forbearance" and abide strictly by the law. In the past, Hong Kong Falun Dafa practitioners have only held peaceful petitions, and in the future they will hold themselves to the same standards.
We express our appreciation to officials at various levels of the Special District government, especially to the Hong Kong police department, for their support and assistance in the past year.
Today, the persecution of Falun Dafa in China is a shame to the Chinese people. Many governments and individuals who cherish justice and conscience around the world have joined forces in speaking out against Jiang Zemin's violence. We are happy to see that the Hong Kong Special District Government shows respect and recognizes Falun Gong practitioners' human and constitutional rights. We hope this policy will be fully implemented. We believe that your Excellence will uphold justice and the fundamental interests of the nation and the people, and recognize Falun Dafa with reason and fairness. We urge that you pay attention to the above issues.
Sincere appreciation and best wishes for your health.
Hong Kong Falun Dafa practitioners
November 17, 2000

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Category: Perspective