[Hong Kong] Hong Kong practitioner Zhu Keming is still missing
Hong Kong practitioner Zhu Keming, who has filed a lawsuit against Jiang Zemin but was in turn put in custody suddenly, disappeared from the detention center. When this news was released to the media on the morning of October 19, the Admission and Departure Office of Hong Kong Special Administrative Government told Falun Gong practitioners that after Hong Kong Government's inquiry to the relevant departments in Mainland China, Zhu Keming currently is receiving "the forced measure of living at home under surveillance." However, till the morning of October 20, Zhu Keming's family still has not obtained any information about his whereabouts.
Although the follow up of Hong Kong's Special Administrative Government has had an initial brief response, the reason behind the measure imposed on Zhu Keming and his current whereabouts remain unknown. Based on common understanding, the person receiving "the forced measure of living at home under surveillance" is closely followed by surveillance personnel assigned by judicial departments, but he can still come and go freely, and his family members can still visit. It is only in Zhu Keming's case that his family members have never seen him, have no idea where he is, and thus are extremely concerned about him.
The Beijing practitioner Wang Jie, who co-filed the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin and his accomplices for cracking down on Falun Gong, is known to still be in custody.
Practitioners in Hong Kong have appealed to the legislature committee and have contacted some legislature members who are willing to extend assistance in the hope that justice can be restored in this world.
[Beijing] Dafa leaflets appear in Beijing University
In accordance with the terrain and its features of the campus of Beijing University, Beijing practitioners have posted on campus Dafa leaflets including "The Historical Responsibilities That Jiang Zemin Cannot Shrug Away." Due to this measure, a discussion on Falun Gong started on the university's electronic BBS. Some people were indeed rude, but most people engaged in discussion. Meanwhile, some practitioners issued an open letter to clarify the truth in the forum. Some people offered an apology toward Falun Gong practitioners thereafter. Some said that although they haven't learned Falun Gong, nonetheless everyone has the freedom of belief. Some said that arresting people, forcing others to tell lies, and burning books are forms of suppression. Many people have doubted the credibility of official media.
[Chengdu] Chengdu Dafa practitioners Zhong Shurong and Zhang Chunmei are discharged from their employment by the 51st Middle School
It is known through many investigations that teachers in Chengdu 51st Middle School, Dafa practitioners Zhong Shurong and Zhang Chunmei, were discharged from public employment by the school on October 20 because they persevered in cultivation practice and resolutely refused to bow to the evil forces. Dafa practitioner Zhong Shurong was also expelled from the communist party. In the meeting which supposedly tried to transform their point of view but actually attacked and criticized it, they tried to offer rational explanations. Despite their own difficult situations, they steadfastly upheld the truth of the great universe, spread the principles of "Truth-Benevolence-Forbearance," and awakened their colleagues. The school officials ran out of tactics and stared at each other in speechless despair.
According to all possible sources, they could be put into forced labor re-education camp. They have clearly expressed that having obtained and safeguarded the Fa is the most fortunate event in their long lives. Having long ago relinquished thoughts for their own life or death, they were able to face this latest insane evil. When everything is finally settled, the crimes that the evil forces have committed will be born and repaid by they themselves.
[Xinjiang Province] "I will keep going to appeal until Dafa has its reputation restored."
One day in June of 2000, I went out to practice the exercises along with fellow practitioners in a garden of Wulumuqi City. The policemen of Gangbei Police Station took us to Toutunhe District Detention Center. During this process from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. when we were sent to the detention center, I was handcuffed with my hands behind my back, and forcibly shackled together with two other practitioners, Cheng Qigang and Gao Xuelian. We were not given time or the chance to lodge an appeal. One guard said, "They do not accept the appeal of Falun Gong at all."
During the detention, we had two meals per day. We ate corn gruel and steamed buns at 10 o'clock in the morning, and buns with vegetable soup in the afternoon. The daily expenses cost no more than 3 Yuan RMB (about 36 cents). However, we were asked to pay 30 Yuan RMB for food per day. We slept on a big plank bed. The beddings were so worn-out that they must have been used by many prisoners, yet they sold them for 90 Yuan RMB each time. It is unknown how much money they have earned by repeatedly selling these beddings.
I have practiced Falun Gong for over three years, yet I still have no idea of "accumulation of wealth through dishonest means." In contrast, what I know is that we voluntarily learn the exercises and teach the exercises, do not pursue fame or interest, and only accumulate virtue. However, in the detention center, I finally got to know what so-called "accumulation of wealth through dishonest means" on TV really was. I should have been given my personal freedom after I was released, yet my work unit got a strict order from the higher authorities, which stipulated that anyone like me cannot be allowed to leave the workplace, and needed to be placed under tight surveillance 24 hours a day. Thereafter, from July 11, a sentry was posted outside my home. There were three people on each shift and they changed shifts once every four hours. Whenever they changed shifts, they made sure to knock at my door to harass me for any reason.
In addition, as far as I know, there are 60 other Dafa practitioners of Xinjiang still detained. Among them, a practitioner of the Eighth Steel Factory, Li Yuliang, was sentenced to 2 years and six months of forced-labor education. She is currently detained in Wulabo Detention Center of Wulumuqi City, Xinjiang. During the detention, her mother visited her many times and saw that her forehead had been bruised and became swollen because of the beating. (It was said that the guards asked the criminals to beat her. Otherwise, the criminals' sentences wouldn't be reduced. The most miserable was that she was handcuffed back onto a table in such a way that she could not completely stand up and could not completely squat down either. She also had nothing to eat for six days and six nights.) Li Yuliang has always been strict with herself according to "Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance." She once donated 2,000 Yuan RMB to a disaster area, though she is a mere worker with a low income. At present she is detained in the labor camp and thus can not stand on Tiananmen Square to express her wishes, but I still remember what she once said: "I will keep going to appeal until Dafa is restored its reputation." On her behalf, let's express her wishes on Minghui Net to make it known to the people all over the world, for these are her sincere words, as well as wishes shared by each and every one of us practitioners.
Dafa Practitioners of Xinjiang Province
Oct. 18, 20000