1. Denmark
From September 29 to October 1, Danish practitioners from Copenhagen and Swedish practitioners from Goteborg gathered in Denmark and went in two directions: one group attended the Health Expo at Aarhus, the second largest city in Denmark while the other group went to appeal by doing the exercises in front of the Chinese Embassy in Copenhagen, the capital city.
During the Health Expo, practitioners distributed materials on Dafa introduction and real cultivation stories to local people. They also continually demonstrated the exercises outside the exhibition hall. Many people asked how to contact Dafa practitioners. Some even started to learn the exercises right away. After watching our exercise demos, some people came over and expressed their puzzlement as to why the Chinese government would suppress such a group of people who are so peaceful.
In front of the Chinese Embassy in the capital city of Copenhagen, we displayed our appeal letter and photographs of those practitioners who had died as a result of the persecution. Six practitioners peacefully did the exercises with the melodious music. One of them was a physically disabled lady in a wheelchair who came from Malmo to protect the Fa. When we handed in the letter of appeal to the Embassy, a first rank secretary came out. However, he refused to accept the appeal letter.
(Translated on Oct. 14, 2000 from the edited version of
2. US: Las Vegas
Las Vegas is one of the best known gambling cities in the world. People can hardly believe that even here there are practitioners. This year Oct. 1 happened to fall on a weekend and there were many tourists. We put on our yellow T-shirts and distributed Dafa materials on the street near gambling houses and Chinatown. Some Westerners had already heard about Falun Gong and they yelled "Falun Gong!" and gave us the thumbs-up. Upon seeing us, some Chinese people who had been deceived by the Chinese government's propaganda were unable to hide their surprise: "Falun Gong?!" A few westerners even stopped to read the words on our T-shirts. We then took the chance to hand them the materials. We also put the remaining Chinese newspapers on the service desks of some of the gambling houses that are often visited by Chinese delegations. The waiters gladly put them on the desk. We realized that Las Vegas boomed during the time of a rapid collapse in morality in human society. Isn't promoting Fa here just like pulling people up from the bottom of a valley?

left: Morning practice
right: Little practitioners hand out Falun Gong newspapers
(Translated on Oct. 14, 2000 from the edited version of http://www.minghui.cc/gb/0001/Oct/07/LasVegas_hongfa.html)
3. US: San Diego
The Adman Street Fair was held on September 30 and October 1. During the two-day Fair, we distributed thousands of Dafa materials, and thousands of people watched our exercises demonstration. Many people wrote down our contact telephone numbers and some of them discussed exercise and Fa-learning issues with us. Many more people expressed their support for us and encouraged us to carry on.
Congressman: Congressman Bill Bray of the same constituency also came to the Fair with his two assistants. When he saw us doing the exercise demo and promotion of the Fa, he walked over and shook hands with our practitioners. He said he was glad to see us here, and was happy to see more people learning the truth of Falun Gong. Congressman Bill Bray has always been very concerned about Falun Gong issues, and he is one of the supporters of two congressional resolutions about Falun Gong.
Two little girls: There was a 10-year old girl with a street peddler across from our exhibition place. She came over and asked us what we were doing and whether we could teach her. She conscientiously finished learning all 5 exercises with us. During meditation, she could sit in the cross-legged position for nearly half an hour. The next day, she brought an even younger girl who watched us and asked us full of hope whether she, too, could also learn the exercises. That day, these two little girls were practicing with us the whole time.
Before this activity, on their own initiative, American practitioners contacted the exhibition booth, prepared materials and answered questions. This promoting of Dafa and telling people the truth about Dafa was the first activity in our area in which American practitioners outnumbered Chinese practitioners. After the activity, all participants gathered together to summarize the experience and to discuss which things were needed for further improvement.

(Translated on Oct. 14, 2000 from the edited version of
4. South Korea
On October 1, several of us carried the banner with 'Clarifying the truth of Falun Gong in China' to places such as South Mountain, the highest mountain in Seoul, Seoul Station, and the highway transportation station in Seoul. We found that many kind people wanted to know about and learn Falun Dafa. We also found that some people were influenced by the Chinese government's propaganda. An overseas Chinese lady said: "The person in charge of Falun Gong has a lot of money." Then I talked with her in Chinese and told her: "Falun Dafa is free from money. I have been practicing for such a long time without being charged a penny. What has been said on Chinese TV is all false. Our Teacher lives a plain life, which I can guarantee." That lady said: "I believe in Buddhism." So I told her: "If you read Falun Dafa books and are able to understand them well, then your belief in Buddhism is not in vain." Clarifying the truth is every Dafa practitioner's duty. I want to tell people: "Falun Dafa is good!'
(Translated on Oct. 14, 2000 from the edited version of http://www.minghui.cc/gb/0001/Oct/07/korea_hongfa.html)
5. Ireland
Practitioners in Ireland sent a letter to the Chinese embassy to strongly appeal to the Chinese government and all Chinese people to stop Jiang Zemin and his accomplices in their brutal persecution of Falun Gong.
Category: Rallies & Protests