Today’s Articles — July 12, 2009
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Shen Yun Performance Mesmerizes Audience Members from Different Countries in Chile (Photos)
( On the evening of July 10, 2009, at the Teleton Theater in Santiago, capital of Chile, audience members from Cuba, Honduras, Peru, Argentina and Taiwan, together with local people, experienced China's five-millennia-old broad and profound culture. U.S.-based Shen Yun Performing Arts made their second stop of the South American leg of the 2009 World Tour. Shen Yun Performing Arts previously performed in Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina.
Making Phone Calls to China Clarify the Truth (Photos)
( For the past six years, Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioner Huang I-chen has been calling Mainland China to clarify the truth about Falun Gong.
One morning she found a little time between her exercise and work time and decided to call some policemen in Mainland China. The person who answered the call sounded like a young man. Ms. Huang asked him not to participate in the persecution of Falun Gong, but he said he was only following orders. Ms. Huang was sad for this young man for being used by the CCP to persecute good people. She heard a baby's cry from the other end. Tears filled her eyes as she told the policeman, "You have a little baby. Even though your wrongdoing was because the CCP forced you to do it, you still committed a crime and this will put your family in danger of suffering your karmic retribution." The policeman hung up. Ms. Huang called again but nobody answered. She sincerely hoped the policeman would awaken and choose a bright future.
Practitioner Zhang Hongwei Is Critically Ill after Eight Years in Jilin Prison
( On January 20, 2001, Mr. Zhang Hongwei was sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment by the Fangshan District Court in Beijing after he was found preparing truth-clarifying materials about the persecution of Falun Gong. Mr. Zhang has been subjected to brutal torture for eight years, and is now critically ill, but Jilin Prison authorities won't allow him to be released on bail for medical treatment, and his family has not been not allowed to visit him.
~ Disappearance ~
~ Accounts of Persecution ~
~ Solemn Declarations ~
~ People in China Awaken to the Truth ~
Focus Topics

Self Immolation Hoax
Biggest propaganda stunt of all time, cooked up to make Falun Gong look bad

Deaths Confirmed
The true death count is likely many times higher

Organ Harvesting Crimes
Tens of thousands likely killed for their organs

So-Called "1400 Deaths"
A fundamental mistruth in the false propaganda against Falun Gong

April 25 Peaceful Appeal
The most peaceful protest in history is called a 'siege' by top party brass

Prosecuting Jiang Zemin
Bringing the prime culprit in the persecution to justice

More Basic Truths
A primer on the web of lies upon which the persecution was built

Learn About Falun Dafa
An advanced practice of self-cultivation freely available to all
Recent News
Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)