(Clearwisdom.net) I was arrested while distributing fact sheets during the Olympics, and sentenced to two years of forced-labor. But with righteous thoughts, faith in the Fa and fellow practitioners' help, I was able to get out of the labor camp early. Here I would like to share my experience and understanding of the Fa.

1. Openly Cultivate and Save Sentient Beings

I thought that the opening day of the Olympics was no different from any other day. As usual, I went out to distribute fact sheets in a tall building, starting from the top floor. As I was going down from the twelfth floor, two other people in the elevator with me saw the Dafa materials I was carrying. They reported me to the police, and I was arrested.

I looked inward to determine why this happened to me. Upon reflection, I realized that I placed my daily activities at a higher priority than studying the Fa. Furthermore, I only studied the Fa when I had time. Slightly more priority was given to doing the exercises. Only in sending forth righteous thoughts did I try not to miss the daily schedule.

On the first morning at the detention center, the inspector came by to identify the Falun Gong practitioners, and announced that doing exercises at the detention center was not allowed. I replied, "Not performing the exercises disqualifies a person from being a Falun Gong practitioner." From that moment onward, no one said anything about stopping practitioners from doing the exercises. I continued to do the exercises, send forth righteous thoughts and recite the Fa daily.

Shortly after my arrival at the detention center, my skin developed an allergic reaction and became itchy. Excessive scratching caused it to fester. Other prisoners were afraid to be near me, and were furious when I refused medicine. I tried to remain calm and be nice to everyone. One day, the prisoners convinced a newcomer to berate me for two hours. I did not say a word and remained supportive to them, including this newcomer. After witnessing the compassion and kindness of a practitioner, some of them began to talk to me. This gave me the opportunity to "explain the facts" and advise them to do the three withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. Many of them were willing to withdraw, and say "Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good."

Within this difficult environment, I made sure that my actions conformed to the Fa. After 90 days, my skin problem disappeared. Everyone around me knew that I did not use any medicine, and began to understand the power of Fa and changed their attitudes towards Falun Gong. I used every opportunity to demonstrate that I was a caring person. I saved food and other items used for our daily routine, and gave them to others in need. I also explained the importance of being a good person, because of the universal truth, "there is reward for good and retribution for evil." Many of them were moved to tears. Although they could not do the exercises with me, they learned to sing the song, "Falun Dafa is good." Some learned how to sit in lotus position and tried to follow my way of treating others benevolently. I was moved by their actions.

2. Firmly Cultivate and Negate the Old Force's Arrangements

I was sentenced to two years of forced labor. The officials sent me to a forced labor camp. Along the way, I used the opportunity to explain the facts about Falun Gong. One of the officers said, "We know that Falun Gong is good, but we can't do anything about this."

My family was not notified when I was arrested. Fellow practitioners helped my family members to locate me. My son-in-law was not sure that my fellow practitioners were really trying to help.

When I arrived at the forced labor camp, I was given a physical checkup, which showed that my blood pressure was extremely elevated. At such a dangerous level, they did not want to keep me and informed my family to take me home as soon as possible. It was a rainy and windy day when fellow practitioners and my daughter arrived. I felt the great power of practitioners as a group that day. Through this incident, all people involved saw the compassion of Dafa. My daughter was in tears on our way home, saying that the practitioners were truly trustworthy and that my son-in-law now shared the same view.