(Clearwisdom.net) On February 18, 2009, Divine Performing Arts (DPA) International Company staged two shows at the Umeda Arts Theater in Osaka, Japan, much to the audience's appreciation. After concluding the shows in Osaka, the company goes to Taiwan to continue its 2009 tour.

The first DPA show in Osaka
Deputy Director of Parent Teacher Association at Osaka Chinese School: DPA show presents Chinese traditional culture very well
DPA performance enthralled Ms. Yan, deputy director of the Parent Teacher Association at Osaka Chinese School.
Ms. Yan (left) and a student's mother
"This is my first time here, but I heard about the show a long time ago.
Now I see it certainly has a well-deserved reputation. I am of Chinese descent
myself, so I hope my children will not forget their Chinese culture."
The Osaka Chinese School emphasizes teaching traditional culture, so when DPA
was set to arrive in Osaka, the school did not miss this opportunity. "We
brought the students to experience the greatness of Chinese culture for
themselves," Ms Yan said.
The Osaka Chinese School, established in 1946, teaches pre-school, elementary,
and secondary education in Japanese, Chinese, and English. Ms. Yan said that
about a hundred students were able to come to the show.
The guiding mission of DPA is to rediscover and renew humanity's true, rightful
heritage. "DPA thoroughly unveils the Chinese culture. It is truly
touching. Every program is classical, and every program delighted me."
A parent of two of the students who accompanied Ms. Yan to the show said,
"The unfolding of the plots are easily understood by Japanese people. The
DPA is genuinely wonderful."
Story-based dance is an integral part of the DPA presentation. Its masterful
choreography and graceful routines range from grand classical processions to
ethnic and folk dances, with gorgeously costumed dancers moving in stunning
synchronized patterns.
Expert Display Designer Impressed by DPA's Show Backdrop
Professional display designer Ms. Komatsubara attended the evening show of the DPA. It was her first time to see the show.
"It was so wonderful. All the dancers danced beautifully, and the story was easy to understand. I loved the sleeve-costume dance, and The Monkey King Triumphs performance was really fun!" she said.
Professional display designer, Ms. Komatsubara, praised the colors in DPA show
The "sleeve-costume dance" refers to the performance Flowing
Sleeves, which celebrates the women of the Tang imperial court, and also
honors a time regarded as a pinnacle of Chinese civilization.
Ms. Komatsubara added, "I was also amazed by how powerful the voices of the
singers were. I could feel it so deeply."
As an expert of display design in Japan, Ms. Komatsubara praised the 3-D digital
backdrop and the beautiful colors of the stage display used by the DPA.
"It is the first time I have seen such a backdrop used. I thought, 'Wow!
Yes, we can actually use a backdrop in this way!'"
She mentioned that she was particularly impressed with how the backdrop was
used to show "deities flying down from above and then appearing on the
stage. ... That really makes sense and is easy to understand."
She was referring to the show's opening performance, The Five Millennia
Begin, where Divine beings assemble in Heaven to prepare for their descent
to earth, where they impart to the world the gift of culture.
She added, "The shade of color was particularly beautiful when the light
touches those dancers' colorful costumes; both strong and smooth hues were
captured so perfectly."
Chinese student: Chinese culture has deep inner meaning
Mr. Yu, a Chinese student in Japan for two years, expressed his views after watching the DPA show in Osaka, "I appreciate DPA to let me experience five-thousand Chinese culture in my heart."
He continued, "When I was in China, I was not clear about Chinese traditional culture. After watching this show, I feel that Chinese traditional culture has deep inner meaning. I was impressed with the first program The Five Millennia Begin. When the curtain opened, the costumes and design were so touching. The stage performance touched my heart."
Ballet instructor: The performers are perfect
The Daisen couple enjoyed the show. Mrs. Daisen liked ballet when she was young and studied it. She said, "Wonderful. What I was touched most was The Udumbara's Bloom. The performers are perfect. I was touched."

The Daisen couple
A ballet teacher
A ballet teacher praised the performance, "The stage and backdrop are splendid. The performers come and go into the backdrops with good order. The backdrops help audience understand the ancient stories."
The DPA show was performed for the third year in Osaka and has gained increasing popularity.