(Clearwisdom.net) On May 25, 2007, a forum entitled, "New Genocide in China" was held on the plaza outside the library at the University of Wisconsin, in Madison, Wisconsin. The forum was organized by the "New China" and "Falun Dafa" student organizations and was assisted by a local church.
Forum on "New Genocide in China"
Question and answer period
Reenactment to expose the CCP's atrocity of live organ removal
Teachers and students read the posters

Falun Gong practitioners talk with passers-by and explain the facts
Mr. David Matas, renowned Canadian human rights lawyer, Mr. Kirk Allison, human rights and health specialist from the University of Minnesota, and Mr. Zhang Erping, Director of the Association for Asian Research in New York City gave speeches on the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners. Nearly one hundred people participated in the forum. The content of the forum focused people's attention on China's human rights situation.
Mr. Matas introduced the investigation into the CCP's organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners that he and Mr. David Kilgour conducted together. Their conclusion was that the allegations of the CCP's live organ harvesting are indeed true. Because the CCP did not allow them to conduct their investigation on-site, they had to rely on indirect proof. They collected thirty-three pieces of evidence, including the CCP's mandate to "ruin [Falun Gong practitioners'] reputations, bankrupt [practitioners] financially, and destroy [practitioners] physically," the systemic physical examination of Falun Gong practitioners unlawfully imprisoned in China's labor camps and prisons, recordings of phone calls to China's organ transplantation centers, etc. All these proofs led them to conclude that the allegation of the CCP's live organ harvesting is true.
Mr. Matas said that their investigation found that more than 40,000 organs used in transplantation surgery since 1999 in China were from Falun Gong practitioners. He said that the persecution of Falun Gong is the worst human rights issue in China and that any international contact with China should remember this point.
Mr. Kirk Allison talked about the CCP's organ harvesting from a medical point of view. China's demand for organs has increased a lot, and especially the number of foreigners seeking organ transplants in China in recent years has increased. But the original organ source, the number of death penalty prisoners, has not increased. Then where does the ready organ supply come from? All analysis and evidence point to imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners. Mr. Allison said that the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong amounts to genocide.
When mentioning possible international countermeasures, Mr. Allison said that foreign doctors should discourage their patients from going to China for organ transplantation since such transplantation in China means an order to kill Falun Gong practitioners. He said that foreign professional circles should deny data from China's official sources and pay attention to China's trampling of human rights when communicating with China.
Mr. Zhang Erping introduced the history of Falun Gong in China, from first being encouraged by the government to later being persecuted. He said that he worked in China's government and came to the US in 1980. When he visited China in 1994, he found that many of his previous colleagues in the Chinese government practiced Falun Gong and were encouraged to do so by the government. The founder of Falun Gong won many awards in China. An investigation conducted by the Chinese government in 1998 showed that 70 to 100 million people practiced Falun Gong, far more than the number of members of the CCP. The CCP became afraid and changed from being supportive to persecuting Falun Gong.
The presentations of the three international specialists elicited a warm response from the audience. The question and answer session lasted one hour. The questions touched on how to stop the CCP's trampling of human rights, including making China's human rights issue a main topic in the upcoming US election campaign, stopping the 2008 Olympics from being held in China, and how to disintegrate the CCP. The three specialists presented their analyses from different angles.
An Asian student asked, "Since China's human rights continue to be problematic and there is no positive result, what is the meaning of continuous investigation and exposure of human rights violations?"
Mr. Matas answered that you cannot say there has been no result. If we don't make any response to the poor human rights issue, it just like a person dying twice. After his physical body disappears, the real reason for his death on the spiritual level is forgotten. Mr. Allison said that if everyone does what he can, based on his particular position, the problem should be solved. As human rights lawyers, we want to expose the problems that we find.
Some audience members suggested, "Many large companies yield to the CCP for economic interests. For example, China's Internet should really be called intranet. What can we do?" Mr. Matas said that we need to have more people know the true situation. You can speak out in shareholders' meetings, tell your state or national legislators about it and let them hear your voice.
The specialists said that China's human rights are not only China's issue. It is an international issue. The CCP even extends the persecution of Falun Gong to other countries. For the Olympic Games, the CCP mixes sports with politics and has forbidden 43 kinds of people from watching the games. To lessen the CCP's control, it is not an issue of reform but of complete disintegration of the Chinese Communist Party. Only then is there hope that China's human rights will improve. As to when the CCP disintegrates, the concrete time is hard to tell but they believe that its disintegration is inevitable.
Category: Organ Harvesting