(Clearwisdom.net) At noon on April 29, 2006, practitioners from the greater Philadelphia region held a rally at the Liberty Bell and protested the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) atrocities of organ removal from living Falun Gong practitioners in China. Three doctors gave speeches and condemned the Chinese doctors' inhuman action of organ removal under the CCP's persecution policy. A reporter from New York told the media that information from the CCP cannot be trusted.
![]() CN8 TV Station covers the event |
![]() An Internet reporter from Temple University interviews a practitioner |
The rally was hosted by Doctor Jinduan Yang of Jefferson Hospital. A reenactment of organ removal by the CCP from a living Falun Gong practitioner for profit caught the attention of many passers-by.
A doctor who works in Philadelphia said in her speech that all surgeries in the US must get the full consent from patients; this is an important rule. In China, there is no such rule. She collected signatures from 36 doctors to condemn the CCP's atrocities of organ removal from living people and called on the US government to request China to allow entry of independent investigators to investigate all labor camps in China.
Based on reports from the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), from 1991 to 1998, there were only 78 liver transplantation surgeries in China. But since the start of the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, the number increased quickly. There were 118 liver transplantations in 1999, 254 in 2000, 484 in 2001, 996 in 2002, and more than 3,000 in 2003.
A doctor pointed out that these numbers are shocking, "Many doctors in my hospital were shocked when I told them that a kidney transplantation patient needs to wait for only one month in China's organ transplantation centers. How is this possible? It is impossible in the US because donors are scarce. Many people have to go through several years of kidney dialysis waiting for a donor kidney. In China, the significant increase of transplants means a large increase in organ donors."
She also gave an example of liver transplantation. A person has only one liver and cannot live without a liver. A fresh liver is generally obtained from a person who died in a car crash or from someone who is brain dead. "In China, liver transplants have increased multiple times in recent years. Where are those donor organs from?" She asked.
The doctor also reminded people of the Nuremberg Code, which prohibits doctors to conduct experiments on live people.
A former reporter, Phil, pointed out that the CCP's means of controlling the Chinese people include killing, deceit, torture, and rape. Information from the CCP cannot be trusted. The CCP's slaughter must be stopped.
Passers-by were shocked upon hearing about liver removal from live people. One woman said, "It is sorrowful to have such crimes occur. I just know this. Why doesn't the media report on such brutality?"
Before the visit of Hu Jintao, 81 congressmen including four from Pennsylvania, co-signed a letter to President Bush and urged him to ask Hu to allow a thorough investigation of China's labor camps.

Jewish people from Russia, whose family were victims of the Nazi holocaust, come to protest the CCP's atrocities
Category: Organ Harvesting