(Clearwisdom.net) While two "doctors" in green operating gowns were busying "operating", a policeman with a lot of money in his hand stands nearby. In front of "the operating table" hangs a price list of organs, revealing the shady dealings.

Re-enactment of live organ removal
On April 13, 2006, a shocking sight near Commonwealth Square in the capital of Switzerland caused many passersby to stop, and then carefully read the exhibition boards disclosing the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) removal of organs from live Falun Gong practitioners. Many people enquired what was going on and many also asked for more information regarding the persecution.
"What you are looking at is a simulation of the persecution that is currently taking place in China. The person whose organs are being removed is a Falun Gong practitioner. He practices the same gentle and slow exercises as those people who are doing them nearby. He simply tries to be a good person according to the principle of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance." A practitioner was patiently telling passersby the reason for the simulating demonstration. "But it is because the CCP doesn't allow people to have their own criterion of judging what is good and what is bad and doesn't allow people to live according to the principle of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance that it has been persecuting Falun Gong practitioners for almost seven years. Recently some witnesses have stepped forward to claim that all over China, especially in the northeast, there are many concentration camps where incarcerated Falun Gong practitioners have had their organs removed for profit and their bodies cremated to eliminate the evidence. Such incidents exist in all forced labor camps, and they are still happening in some places right now. Since 2000, the number of organ transplant operations has abnormally increased. This is especially the case recently, as it has emerged that there will be a great number of organs available from live donors until the end of May. Even if some people are willing to denote their organs, it is impossible for there to be such an abundant supply of organs from live patients in such a short period of time. What is most likely is that the CCP is persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in an even more ruthless fashion in order to eliminate the evidence. Please help and lend support so that an independent investigation into the persecution happening now in China will be instigated and quickly stop the persecution."
Passersby were shocked by the facts. They signed the petition, one after another, expressing support for the investigation into the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and rescuing those Falun Gong practitioners who are illegally locked up in China. A practitioner was holding four petition boards that were being signed at the same time, with some other people quietly waiting nearby. Crowds of people were also waiting for their turn to sign the petition.
Passersby sign the petition expressing their support
We also want to sign the petition
Two mothers were passing by the stall together with their four or five children. While signing the petition, the mothers were listening to a practitioner describing what Falun Gong is and disclosing facts regarding the inhuman methods of persecution that Falun Gong practitioners have suffered. A child suddenly asked: "Mom, may I sign the petition?" "Of course, you may. There is no age limit for signing the petition expressing support for human rights." The mother was pleased and patiently showed the children how to sign. Several children signed their names on the two petitions.
Such terrible persecution should cease immediately
Another lady, who had not only taken the materials but signed the petition as well, said when asked: "It is really frightening to hear about such a persecution taking place as we speak in China. It is just due to people's faith and different opinions that the CCP has removed their organs and detained them. This is what makes such a persecution so unimaginably evil. I think that this violation of human rights should cease immediately."
At the same time, she expressed: The future of China will be bleak if crimes of illegally removing people's organs for profits and persecuting people for their faith continue in such concentration camps in the country.
I am going to let my students know all about this
Upon her departure, a teacher took some blank forms of the petition saying that she was going to ask her colleagues and students to sign the petition expressing support for the end of the persecution that severely infringed human rights. In the meantime, she also said: "I am going to combine what I have come to know about the persecution of Falun Gong and the CCP's removal of organs for profit with the two topics of human rights and the economy in my teaching so that my students will know more about the persecution of human rights happening in China."
The same old disastrous road should not be followed again
On seeing the simulation of the CCP's removing organs from live people, many passers-by thought of those concentration camps during World War II. They commented: It is really difficult to imagine that such a bloody, inhuman persecution still exists in the world today. We are willing to support the immediate end of the persecution, I hope that more people can find out about the persecution.
The demonstration held was near the Bern Commonwealth Square in the Capital of Switzerland. For several years, Falun Gong practitioners in Switzerland have held activities here such as Information Days, Anti-torture Shows, and petitioning for the release of those Falun Gong practitioners who are illegally locked up in China. Many passers-by already know the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong. Some of them have asked with concern: Is the persecution still going on? Some have told Falun Gong practitioners: I have signed the petition expressing my support. Last time, I saw the art exhibition you held in Tunnel,that torture is far too cruel. Some have passed on what they have found out regarding the persecution to their colleagues, relatives and friends.
Before setting up the information stall for the demonstration, Falun Gong practitioners were protesting against the CCP persecuting Falun Gong at the Chinese Embassy. During the protest, the spokesperson expounded in German about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners for a long time by the CCP and read out in Chinese "The Announcement of the Establishment of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China."
At the end of the activity, a member of the Organization of Human Rights who was invited to join it told the spokesman: I have listened to the speeches with tears in my eyes. Really, I have never thought that the CCP would treat Falun Gong practitioners so cruelly, though we have heard of it before but have never thought of it. After that, she asked more about the persecution in detail.
Doctors, please do not become the butchers for the CCP
Ms Yang, a Falun Gong practitioner who acted as a "doctor", said: "Although the part I demonstrated was wearing operating clothes and looking like a doctor who heals the wounded and rescues the dying, what I did was like a butcher more than a doctor. I feel that these doctors have also suffered from the menace of the CCP, especially when I think that so many doctors are being deceived in daily life. They even have completely violated their responsibility as doctors and become butchers in reality as well as in name under the condition of being forced. The more I think of this, the more I feel that we should let all people know the truth and stop the persecution immediately, and make all those who are deeply poisoned by the CCP be able to regain real freedom.
Some passersby were shocked at the simulation. They would either come over and carefully take a look and see if all this was a real demonstration, or would make sure by asking again if the Falun Gong practitioner playing the part of the victim was still alive. Whenever Ms Yang gave positive replies, she would stress: In China, Falun Gong practitioners, whose organs are being removed, are still alive. Please help end the inhuman killing.
Mr. Fedier, a Falun Gong practitioner remarked: Compared with a few years ago, more and more Chinese and western people are paying attention to China and getting to know the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong. So when the day the whole truth comes out arrives, the persecution by the CCP will not continue any longer. Similar to members of Nazis who were on trial in Nuremberg, Germany after the end of the World War II, those accessories of the CCP must also be responsible for their crimes when the trial of the CCP takes place.
Category: Organ Harvesting